Jobs for Veterans State Grant Program
About the JVSG Program
The Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) program provides federal funding, through a formula grant, to 54 State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) to hire dedicated staff to provide individualized career- and training-related services to eligible veterans and eligible persons with significant barriers to employment (SBEs), as well as other authorized populations, and help employers fill their workforce needs with job-seeking veterans.
Veteran Employment Services
Finding a meaningful career after military service can feel overwhelming, but our American Job Centers across the state offer a variety of services that include resource centers, job fairs, workshops, employment strategies, WIOA Scholarships, career counseling, job search assistance, access to job training and certifications, and labor market information. Our American Job Centers have dedicated staff who are ready to assist veterans and covered persons find long term suitable employment and gain access to training and education opportunities.
Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialists (DVOP) provide individualized career services to a targeted population of veterans and eligible persons who have been identified as having significant barriers to employment (SBE), and who are economically or educationally disadvantaged to compete in today’s labor market. DVOPs can assist veterans/eligible persons overcome barriers to employment, coordinate community resources, and gain access to education and job training opportunities that will give you a competitive advantage.
Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) conducts employer outreach to promote to employers the advantages of hiring veterans. LVER staff also plan and participate in job fairs, conduct job clubs, and coordinate with apprenticeship and internship programs, business organizations, unions in promoting and advocating the benefits of training programs for veterans.
Employment Resources
What skills do I have that can translate into civilian employment? What employment resources should I use? What jobs do I qualify for? How do I match my resume to potential employers? Whether you are transitioning from service, underemployed, retired, or looking for higher wages, these are just a few questions and concerns veterans share when seeking employment.
Even though there are many useful resources and tools to assist in finding employment, a great place to get started is using is one of the most comprehensive, one stop resources you can find to help with your employment needs. For example, not only can you do job searches, but you can also create a resume and job alerts (virtual recruiters), file unemployment claims, conduct labor market research, complete job skills assessments, find in-demand occupations, research education institutions, find approved education training program lists, and much more! You can find other helpful resources below to get started in your employment search.

Women Veterans
Ever since the Revolutionary War, women veterans have honorably served our Nation in times of need and should deserve our respect and dignity. 1 out of 100 adults in the U.S. civilian labor force is a woman veteran. As of 2018, there are approximately 2 million women veterans in the U.S. as of 2018 that makes up 1.5% of the women population. Much like their male counterparts, women veterans share concerns like finding employment, healthcare, affordable housing, obtaining education, and certifications to be competitive in today’s labor market.
Women who served in the military are eligible for many different types of services and benefits uniquely for women through U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Women Veterans Program where you can find information about healthcare, benefits, housing, and women veteran centers.
U.S. Department of Labor - Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS)
VETS is a nationally recognized leader in helping veterans, service members, and spouses find good jobs and meaningful careers. The mission of VETS is to prepare America’s veterans, service members, and their spouses, for meaningful careers, provide them with employment expertise, protect their employment rights and promote their employment opportunities. To learn more about this valuable resource, visit Veterans' Employment and Training Service.
Tennessee Department of Veterans Services (TDVS)
The Tennessee Department of Veterans Services is an excellent resource for veterans who are seeking information about mental health, education, and veterans benefits. Whether looking for federal or state benefits, choosing an education institution, mental health resources, starting a new business, or researching veteran business resources, then TDVS is for you!
Military OneSource
Military OneSource is a gateway to a wealth of information and resources serving military members and their families, survivors, and the military community. Military OneSource serves active-duty service members, National Guard, and Reserves, recently separated service members, military families, and survivors. Learn more about Military OneSource eligibility. Military OneSource is a Department of Defense-funded program that you can access anytime, anywhere. Resources and information include:
Health and Wellness | Military Child Care Programs |
Marriage Enrichment Programs | Transitioning Service Members |
New MilParent | Adoption |
Peer to Peer Support | Confidential Non-Medical Counseling |
Spouse Relocation and Transition | Wounded Warriors and Caregivers |
Financial Tax and Consultation | Mobile Solutions |
Military Spouses
Military Spouses are a vital asset to our labor force as they possess valuable skills, experience, and abilities that employers dream about, but sometimes deployment and changing duty stations interrupt a spouse’s employment or schooling. Below are some resources to get started:
This employment resource assists veterans, military spouses, and transitioning service members with job opportunities. You can visit the Hiring Our Heroes website for additional information.
Military spouses who have professional license requirements are often faced with difficult challenges and hardships when they relocate with their military service member to another duty assignment, causing employment gaps or employment interruption. Many states support license recognition by allowing expedited applications, temporary licenses, or complete license recognition.
The MSCCN is a non-profit organization that focuses on employment readiness training, job placement solutions, career development for military spouses, retired military spouses, and caregivers to wounded warriors. For more information about this valuable resource, visit
The USO Pathfinder Transition Program provides guidance, networking opportunities, connection to services for service members and military spouses transitioning into civilian life.
Fort Campbell now has a Spouse Employment Center :: FORT CAMPBELL (
Education and Training
Do you want to be competitive and marketable in today’s labor force? Do you want to invest in yourself for the future? Get a leg up on the competition by earning a certification, credential, or degree. Employers desire a well-trained, educated, and skilled workforce. Don’t know where to start? Visit your nearest American Job Center or check out some of your resources below to get started.
- Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology
- Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Service
- Institute for Veterans & Military Families (Onward to Opportunity)
- Tennessee Veterans Education Transition Support (VETS) program
- Tennessee Reconnect
- Tennessee Beginning Farmer Outreach Program
- GI Bill benefits
Mental Health
There are many resources for service members, veterans, and their families if they are facing times of crisis, uncertainty, depression, or anxiety. There are health professionals that are ready and willing to assist you when in need.
- Lifeline for Vets
- VA mental health services
- Centerstone
- Vet Centers
- Soldiers and Families Embraced (SAFE)
Homeless Veterans
There are many complex factors as to why veterans become homeless including a shortage of affordable housing and healthcare, alcohol and drug abuse, lingering effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), inability to obtain meaningful employment, and absence of a family support system.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates that there are 40,000 homeless veterans on any given night. According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Fact Sheet published in January 2018, the number of veterans experiencing homelessness decreased 46% since 2010 and veterans who were unsheltered declined by 53% since 2010. If you are experiencing homelessness or know a veteran who is homeless, check out “How to Help Homeless Veterans” video from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Below, you will find several homeless community resources. If you have more questions about homeless resources for veterans, please visit your local American Job Center to speak to an appropriate representative.
- Operation Stand Down
- Buffalo Valley
- Centerstone
- VA Medical Center-Memphis
- Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
- Pennyroyal Center - Hopkinsville, KY
- Operation Stand Down
- Room In the Inn
- Salvation Army
- Volunteers of America Mid-States
- Mountain Home VA Healthcare System
- Family Promise of Roane County
- Homeless Advocacy for Rural Tennessee
- Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP)
- Mission Accomplished Stable Housing (MASH)
American Job Center (AJC)
The AJC assists job seekers with updating skills, education, credentials, workshops, computer resource center, career counseling, job search assistance, career coaching, and so much more! In addition to these services, the AJC offers access to programs in assisting job seekers reach their full potential and eventually become self-reliant. These programs include:
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- SNAP Employment & Training
- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
- Disability Services
- Youth
- Senior Work Experience Program
- Adult Education
- Re-Employment Services and Eligibility (RESEA)
To find an American Job Center near you, click here.