Certified Physician Program (CPP) Registry

The physicians listed here have met the criteria and are officially recognized by the Tennessee Bureau of Workers' Compensation as certified physicians.

  Download Full CPP Registry Data

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Refer a Physician to the CPP

Not seeing a specialist or specific physician on our list, but know a physician who might be interested in joining? Feel free to use this email tempate to encourage them to get with the program.

Sample Email

Have you heard about the Certified Physician Program offered directly by the Tennessee Bureau of Workers' Compensation?

I think you might be interested in taking their online course and even getting enhanced fees for it. I am confident that this program can benefit your practice and further your commitment to serving injured workers in Tennessee.

I encourage you to learn more about the program's perks and requirements at https://www.tn.gov/workforce/injuries-at-work/employers/employers/bwc-reward-rtw-program/cpp.html

This Page Last Updated: February 11, 2025 at 5:32 PM