Advisory for Case Managers Concerning Face-to-Face Meetings
If a case manager is assigned to a patient with a catastrophic injury, face to face meetings should be conducted within 14 days of the assignment.
The importance of the face-to-face requirements is to establish meaningful communications with injured employees and to engage them in the recovery process. Assessing an injured worker’s understanding, needs, responses and environment helps to further the medical aspects of recovery.
- Catastrophic Injuries
- The carrier should assign a case manager within 7 days of the notification of a catastrophic injury.
- The case manager shall then perform the face to face within 14 days of the assignment of the case manager.
- Non-Catastrophic Injuries
- For non-catastrophic injuries, the face-to-face meeting should occur within 14 days of the Case Manager’s assignment to the case.
Missed Deadlines
- If the appointment is reasonably close to the 14 day timeframe, or if extenuating circumstances exist, documentation of the exception on the CM notification portal is needed.
- Penalty provisions will not be invoked if a reasonable explanation is given.
Safety & Privacy
The time and location of the initial and follow-up meetings should be safe, private, convenient and comfortable for the Case Manager and the injured worker; a medical provider’s office may be the best time and location.
The employee’s residence is not an appropriate meeting site. Meeting the employee at the employer’s place of business is usually not recommended unless privacy and comfort of both parties can be guaranteed. Also, meeting at public sites is not recommended as safety and privacy are not assured.
If you have any questions, contact the Bureau's Case Management Coordinator or email
This Page Last Updated: May 13, 2020 at 10:26 AM