What to Expect

during the Adjuster Certification Program (in-person or virtual)


Virtual Classes 

The voluntary program is currently offered virtually. The Monday through Friday training event is composed of 10 sessions, scheduled to minimally impact the workday. The presenters are all Bureau directors and supervisors—the very people that interpret and enforce the policies and procedures presented in the training. In addition, these sessions are recorded and available for on-demand viewing for a limited time after the class. 
In-Person Classes

The in-person class offerings consist of a two-day training event, also conducted by Bureau leadership.  


Virtual Classes 

For our virtual class, a test is administered at the end of the week following a Q&A session with the presenters. The timed test is conducted using Microsoft Forms. Viewing all sessions and achieving a passing grade on the test is required to be recognized as a "Certified Adjuster." 
In-Person Classes 

For the in-person program, the test is administered at the end of the second day. Like the virtual offering, attending both days and achieving a passing grade is required. 

Exam FAQs

  • How long is the test? 
    • 82 questions. Two hours are allotted to take it. Most participants take just over an hour to complete the exam.
  • What is a passing score? 
    • You need at least 58 "points" to pass which (out of 82 questions) would put you at 70% overall score.
  • How do I know if I pass? 
    • The score is available immediately after taking the exam. Click the "View results" button. If your raw score is 58 or above, you passed! 
    • You will also receive a follow up email and certificate from the Bureau. 
    • Your name will be added to the Bureau's list of certified adjusters a week later.
  • What if I fail?
    • We hope you found the course helpful and hope you consider retaking the class at a later date to become certified.
  • Can I retake the test? 
    • No, but you may retake the class at a later date.
  • What if I am unavailable during the scheduled test time window?
    • Notify the program contact before the exam to see if we can schedule another time for you to take the exam. (E.g., the following week).

Example Agenda

Day 1
7:30 – 8:00 am Registration and Sign in
8:00 – 8:45 am Welcome, Intros, and Ice breaker Jamie Ballou
8:45 – 9:15 am  The Story of Charlie Goodfella
9:15 – 9:30am  BREAK: Q&A with staff members
9:30 – 10:15 am  The Making of a Claims Professional Jamie Ballou
10:15 – 10:45 am  Claims Administration—Pt 1 Lance Wheaton
10:45 – 11:45 am  Claims Administration—Pt 2 Cathy Dodd, Matthew Salyer
11:45 – 12:45 pm  LUNCH
12:45 – 2:15 pm   Medical Topics—How you could needlessly be costing your client money and delaying recovery Dr. Robert Snyder
2:15 – 2:30 pm  BREAK: Q&A with staff members
2:30 – 3:15 pm   The Ombudsman Program April Verdoni
3:15 – 4:15 pm  Mediation of Temporary Issues Brian Holmes
Day 2
8:45 – 9:45 am  e-billing, Fraud Awareness, Compliance Program 
Lance Wheaton
9:45 – 10:00am  BREAK: Q&A with staff members  
10:00 – 11:00 am
Mediation of Permanent Issues Subsequent Injury and Vocational Recovery Fund 
Brian Holmes, Robert Davies
11:00 – 11:45 am
The Penalty Program Mark Finks
11:45 – 12:45 pm  LUNCH 
12:45 – 1:30 pm
Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims 
Judge Josh Baker
1:30 – 2:15 pm The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board Elizabeth Vines
2:15 – 2:30 pm  BREAK: Q&A with staff members  
2:30 – 3:30 pm   Quality Decision Making Jamie Ballou
3:30 –   TEST
 Sample Day
Example Virtual Agenda
Monday Introductions, Overview Intro to Tennessee Benefit Structure, Jamie Ballou 
WC 101 and WC 201, Brian Holmes 
Tuesday M.O.S.T. Mediation and Ombudsmen Services, Brian Holmes 
EDI and Claims Filing Requirements + The Penalty Program; Matthew Salyer, Cathy Dodd, Amanda Terry, Missi Norris, Mark Finks 
Wednesday The Making of an Exceptional Adjuster, Jamie Ballou 
Rules for Requests for Treatment: The Utilization Review Process; Dr. Robert Snyder, Lacy Conner
Thursday Building Trust and Gaining Cooperation, Bureau Regulatory Programs, PPD, PTD, & Subsequent Injury Fund; Jamie Ballou, Tim Kellum
Medical Programs: Case Management, Fee Schedule, MIR Registry, Drug Formulary, Treatment Guidelines, etc.; Dr. Robert Snyder, Lacy Conner 
Friday The Court of Workers' Compensation Claims and The Appeals Board; Hon. Pamela Johnson, Elizabeth Vines 
Roundtable discussions Q&A with Facilitators + Timed Test; All Presenters

Participant Testimonials

Following our latest virtual training event, participants were asked to rate their overall learning experience during the Adjuster Certification Program. Here are some of the responses we received: