Grant Opportunity Available to Increase Youth Work Experience in Tennessee

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s (TDLWD) Workforce Services Division is supporting local efforts to increase youth employment through the Summer Youth Employment and Work Experience Program. The benefit of the SYEP is to offer a paid employment opportunity to youth paired with valuable first-hand work experience and educational learning. This program offers eight weeks of paid wages per participant, year-round.
Local community organizations and agencies will partner with TDLWD to administer the statewide youth employment initiative. The Department has announced a grant opportunity for organizations and agencies interested in increasing youth employment and bolstering the workforce for employers in the areas they serve in Tennessee.
- Details about the grant applications process can be found here. (PDF)
- A program budget worksheet can be found here.
- More information about youth employment can be found here.
- A podcast that covers youth employment is available here.