Traffic Memorandums

Number Date   Subject
TOM 1001    10-29-10 Regarding Traffic Cameras, Traffic Signals, and Speed Limits
TOM 1401 07-03-14 Guidelines for Gateway Monuments and Transportation Art
Guidelines for "Welcome to" Signs for Controlled Access Highways (Voided)
TOM 1602 12-23-16 Regarding Revised, Voided, and/or New Design Documents
TOM 1702 10-2-17 Regarding TDOT No Longer Supporting Pole Designer Software
TOM 1801 05-15-18 Guidance on Setting Speed Limits (voided by TOM1902)
TOM 1802 05-17-18 Roadway Lighting Plan Submission Requirements
TOM 1803 06-1-2018 Jurisdiction and Maintenance of Signs in Cities and Counties (Voided by TOM 2104)
TOM 1804 05-31-2018 Interim Approvals
TOM 1805 8-1-2018 Work Zone Speed Reductions on Freeway and Expressway Resurfacing Projects
TOM 1806 10-15-2018 Traffic Design Manual (August 2018)
TOM 1807 11-27-2018

Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Statewide Guidance

Document v1.0 (and subsequent revisions)

TOM 1901 1-14-2019 TN Supplement to the Standard Highway Signs Book (November 2018)
TOM 1902 4-1-2019 Guidance on Setting Speed Limits Revision 1.2
TOM 1903 4-10-2019 Regarding Revised, Voided, and/or New Standard Documents
TOM 1904 5-2-2019 Work Zone Safety and Mobility Manual (May 2nd, 2019)
TOM 1905 10-23-2019 Regarding Revised, Voided, and/or New Standard Documents
TOM 1906 12-20-2019 Regarding Revised, Voided, and/or New Standard Documents
TOM  2001 1-17-2020 TDOT Truck Route Restriction Guidelines - 2019
TOM 2002 3-17-2020 TDOT Guidelines for Gateway Projects - 2020 (Voided by TOM 2004)
TOM 2003 9-20-2020 ADA Project Compliance Scenarios for Traffic Signal Projects - Sept. 2020
TOM 2004 7-30-2020 TDOT Guidelines for Gateway Projects-2020 Update
TOM 2005 11-17-2020 Traffic Design Manual (June 2020)
TOM 2006 11-17-2020 Regarding Revised, Voided, and-or New Standard Drawings
TOM 2007 12-14-2020 Traffic Signal Design Guidance
TOM 2101 7-12-2021 TDOT Traffic Signals and Roadway Lighting Construction Reviews and Requests
TOM 2102 7-22-2021 Surveillance Cameras Operated by Law Enforcement on Interstates and State Routes for a Non-Highway Use
TOM 2103 10-04-2021 Traffic Signal Design Guidance
TOM 2104 10-01-2021 Jurisdiction and Maintenance of Signs and Pavement Marking in Cities and Counties (Revised TOM 1803)
TOM 2201 2-01-2022 Highway System Access Manual
TOM 2202 2-16-2022 TDOT Traffic Design Manual Chapter 15 Roadway Lighting Design Supplement
TOM 2203 10-21-2022 Regarding New Traffic Operations Division Standard Drawings
TOM 2301 4-28-2023

Updated Road Diet Guidance

TOM 2302 8-11-2023 Traffic Design Manual Restructuring
TOM 2303 9-20-2023 Regarding Traffic Design Division Standard Drawings
TM 2401 3-25-2024 Traffic Operations Memorandum Name Change
TM 2402 5-13-2024 Proposed PHB-RRFB Upgrade to Traffic Signals at or near Unsignalized Intersections
TM 2403 4-25-2024 Project Information and 511 signs
TM 2404 5-13-2024 Traffic Signal Design Standards 
TM2405 8-7-2024 TMP Form Update to Coordinate with EPIC and the PDN