Hamilton Co. I-75 & Hamilton Place Blvd.
I-75 Interchange at Hamilton Place Blvd. (PIN 123105.00); and Hamilton Place Blvd. from North Skyline Dr. to South of Bams Dr. (PIN 127492.00)Review Dates: January 24th - 26th, 2023
Deadline to Submit Letter of Interest: Jaunary 11th, 2023
Letter of Interest - Hamilton Co. 123105.00 & 127492.00 - Constructability Review
Note: Participation in this review is voluntary, non-compensable, and will not prevent you from submitting a bid for the project. Anything you choose to share will remain in confidence. Any Contractor that is prequalified with TDOT's Construction Division may request participation by completing and submitting a Letter of Interest to Shawna Smith at Shawna.B.Smith@tn.gov.

Project Descriptions
The I-75 Interchange at Hamilton Place Blvd project extends approximately 1.7 miles from near LM 5.0 to near LM 6.7 along I-75 in Hamilton County. The project expands the interchange to a full access facility by providing for a southbound I-75 exit to Hamilton Place Blvd, and a northbound I-75 access from Hamilton Place Blvd. The project includes:
- Grading, concrete paving, and drainage of two (2) new interstate ramps with 16-ft lanes, 6-ft inside shoulders, and 10-ft outside shoulders.
- Three (3) new bridges, including: (1) A new 224.8-ft, 2-span steel bridge over I-75; (2) a new 991-ft, 6-span concrete bridge over the I-75 northbound exit ramp to Shallowford Rd; and (3) a new 1,414-ft, 11-span bridge over the I-75 southbound entrance ramp from Shallowford Rd.
- Nine (9) new retaining walls including two (2) soil-nail walls underneath the existing Shallowford Rd bridge.
- One (1) new noise wall.
- Deck repair work on the existing ramp and Shallowford Rd. bridges over I-75.
- Concrete repair work along I-75.
- New signing including six (6) new overhead signs.
- Interstate and ramp lighting.
- In-contract utilities include TDOT ITS and AT&T. No other utility relocations are planned for this project.
The Hamilton Place Blvd. project extends approximately 1.0 mile from north of Skyline Drive (near LM 4.0) to south of Bams Drive (near LM 5.0) in Hamilton County. The project includes:
- Grading, paving, and drainage of a 4-lane divided roadway with curb & gutter, 11-ft lanes, no shoulders, and 5-ft sidewalks along the east side of the roadway.
- Three signalized intersections, including: (1) Upgrades to the existing intersection of Hamilton Place Blvd./I-75 northbound exit ramp/Goodwin Road; (2) a new signal at the intersection of the I-75 SB entrance and exit ramps; ad (3) a new signal at the intersection of the new I-75 NB entrance ramp/mall entrance road.
- One (1) new retaining wall.
- Street-level lighting.
- The following utilities are move-prior (not in-contract): Chattanooga Gas, Tennessee American Water, EPB, Comcast.
- The Department is considering using an A + B contracting method for this project. The B component may just include intermediate work that requires changes to I-75 mainline and ramp traffic, as further discussed below.
- Due to the project providing access to a major shopping area, traffic on Hamilton Place Blvd as well as all ramp access to Hamilton Place Blvd and Shallowford Road must be maintained between Thanksgiving – New Year’s Day throughout the life of the project.
- Proposed Ramp C crosses the centerline of proposed Ramp B at a new grade, which will require the temporary closure of Ramp B (the existing on-ramp from Hamilton Place Blvd. to I-75 SB).
- The project will be adjacent to the work to be performed on the I-75/I-24 Phase II Design/Build project. Frequent coordination will be required between the two projects; however, the Design/Build contractor will have priority for lane closures on I-75.
- The Hamilton Place Mall will be completing a project on their parking lot and private roads to match the new configuration of Hamilton Place Blvd. Work on the Hamilton Place Blvd. project will need to be coordinated with their adjacent project.
- The construction of Bridge 1 over I-75 is proposed to have the following phasing:
- Due to the proximity of the residential neighborhood, the piles on Bent 1 and Abutment 2 will not be allowed to be driven at night.
- I-75 NB and SB will be shifted to the outside and reduced to three lanes in each direction to allow for working room for the construction of Bent 1.
- Traffic on I-75 will maintain the 3-lane configuration to place the center beams on Bent 1. Falsework/shoring will be required until outer beams are spliced.
- Traffic on I-75 SB will reduce to 1-lane of traffic and shift to the inside (overnights only) to set the beams over the southbound lanes.
- Traffic on I-75 NB will be detoured onto Hamilton Place Blvd (overnights only) to set the beams over the northbound lanes.