Benton Co. SR-1 (US-70)
Widening of SR-1 (US-70) from the Camden Bypass to the Tennessee River (PIN 105768.00)Review Dates: May 7-8, 2024
Deadline to Submit Letter of Interest: April 19, 2024
Letter of Interest - Benton Co. 105768.00 - Constructability Review
Note: Participation in this review is voluntary, non-compensable, and will not prevent you from submitting a bid for the project. Anything you choose to share will remain in confidence. Any Contractor that is prequalified with TDOT's Construction Division may request participation by completing and submitting a Letter of Interest to Shawna Smith at

Project Description
The project consists of grading, drainage, paving, curb and gutter with storm sewer, signs, and pavement marking on S.R. 1 (U.S. 70) from the Camden Bypass to the Tennessee River (IA) (TMA).
The proposed project would make improvements to two sections of SR-1. The first section includes a 1.66-mile segment of SR-1 extending from SR-391 (Camden Bypass) to 400 feet east of Goodman Drive and a 2.64 mile segment extending from 400 feet east of Goodman Drive to just west of the Tennessee River Bridge.
The proposed typical section for the first segment would include two, 12-foot traffic lanes in each direction, a 12-foot continuous turn lane, two 10-foot shoulders with curb and gutter, and two 8-foot strips with a minimum of 100 feet of right-of-way. Along this section, the widening will be symmetrical.
The second segment has a proposed typical section of two, 12-foot traffic lanes in each direction, a continuous 12-foot turn lane, and 12-foot stabilized outside shoulders. A minimum of 200 feet of right-of-way is required. The centerline of the proposed roadway will be 18 feet north of the existing centerline of SR-1. The expansion to the north side will align with the bridge over the Tennessee River.
Focus of Meeting
The meeting will focus on comments regarding utility relocation and coordination of other work, pyrite abatement/disposal, staging of construction while maintaining traffic, timeframe restrictions within TVA easement, construction completion date, and innovation in design.
The goal is a biddable, buildable, cost-effective and maintainable project.
If you are interested in participating in this review, please contact Shawna Smith ( by Friday, April 19, 2024.
Please note that participation in this review is voluntary, non-compensable, and will not prevent you from submitting a bid for the project. Anything that you choose to share will remain in confidence.