Outdoor Advertising Control Program

Brian Dickerson, Manager Outdoor Advertising Control 615-741-1877 brian.dickerson@tn.gov
The following button will redirect to the TN Code Annotated access page. Choose the title, chapter, and part that is associated with the needed topic. As an example for Tennessee Code Annotated 54-21-101, the title number is 54, chapter number is 21, and part number is 101. This code is associated with the topic of "Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 2020 Short Title".
Tennessee Code Annotated 54-21-101 et. sep
TN Code listed by Title, Chapter, Part, and Topic applicable to Outdoor Advertising
54-21-101. Short title
54-21-102. Chapter definitions
54-21-103. Restrictions on outdoor advertising devices on interstate and primary highway
54-21-104. Permits and tags — Fees
54-21-105. Failure to comply with § 54-21-104 — Effect
54-21-106. Disposition of fees
54-21-107. Acquisition by commissioner of outdoor advertising devices along the interstate and primary highway systems
54-21-108. Restrictions on outdoor advertising devices adjacent to state highways
54-21-109. Damage, destruction, or removal of signs or markers on state highway system
54-21-110. Information for traveling public
54-21-111. Power of commissioner to enforce provisions — Rulemaking
54-21-112. Commissioner's authority to enter on property without penalty
54-21-113. Commissioner's authority to enter into agreement with secretary of transportation
54-21-114. Exceptions
54-21-115. Outdoor advertising on certain interstate highways prohibited — Penalty — Exceptions
54-21-116. Vegetation control permits and fees
54-21-117. Unauthorized removal, cutting, or trimming of vegetation
54-21-118. Restrictions on new outdoor advertising devices
54-21-119. Changeable message signs
54-21-120. Removal of nonconforming device that is destroyed
Tennessee Code Annotated 54-17-101 & 201 et. seq
TN Code listed by Title, Chapter, Part, and Topic applicable to the Scenic Highway System Act of 1971
54-17-101. Short title
54-17-102. Scenic highway system established
54-17-103. Chapter definitions
54-17-104. Purposes, standards and objectives
54-17-105. Eligibility for scenic highway designation — Requirements of designation — Comprehensive plan
54-17-106. Severability
54-17-107. Management — Promotion
54-17-108. Advertising or junkyards prohibited on scenic highways — Authority of commissioner to acquire
54-17-109. Excepted signs
54-17-110. Removal or abatement of advertising structures and junkyards
54-17-111. Trash dumping prohibited — Penalties
54-17-112. Criminal sanctions
54-17-113. Statutory conflict|
54-17-114. Designated scenic highways — Designated urban roads not to be impaired
54-17-115. Building restrictions near scenic highways
54-17-116. Effect of designation — Existing building permits — Construction of part
TN Code listed by Title, Chapter, Part, and Topic applicable to the Tennessee Parkway System Act
54-17-201. Short title
54-17-202. Legislative findings
54-17-203. Establishment and designation of parkway system
54-17-204. Route and promotional markers
54-17-205. Existing outdoor advertising structures
54-17-206. Advertising structures, junkyards, and trash dumping
54-17-207. Additions to system — Designation powers of commissioner
54-17-208. Severability
Part 1 Scenic Highway System Act of 1971
54-17-102. Scenic highway system established
54-17-103. Chapter definitions
54-17-104. Purposes, standards and objectives
54-17-107. Management — Promotion
54-17-110. Removal or abatement of advertising structures and junkyards
54-17-111. Trash dumping prohibited — Penalties
54-17-114. Designated scenic highways — Designated urban roads not to be impaired
54-17-115. Building restrictions near scenic highways
54-17-116. Effect of designation — Existing building permits — Construction of part
Part 2 Tennessee Parkway System Act
54-17-202. Legislative findings
54-17-203. Establishment and designation of parkway system
54-17-204. Route and promotional markers
54-17-205. Existing outdoor advertising structures
54-17-206. Advertising structures, junkyards, and trash dumping
54-17-207. Additions to system — Designation powers of commissioner
Requirements to Apply for an Outdoor Advertising Device Permit:
- Provide a completed Outdoor Advertising Permit Application with check or money order in the amount of $200.00 (an application for each sign face) payable to the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
- Include a copy of a notarized affidavit signed by the property owner stating permission has been given to erect a sign on their property.
- Include a copy of property owner’s recent property record from the Assessor of Property Office. If this record is available on line, a printout is acceptable.
- Include a map or a scale drawing on a separate piece of paper which shows the location of the proposed outdoor advertising device on private property. The map must show the means by which you will access the proposed outdoor advertising device without using the state right-of-way. It is mandatory to show the property lines and the State’s highway right-of way. The map will need to show cross roads or features that assist in finding the proposed outdoor advertising location.
- No faxes are acceptable in submitting your application packet.
- Mail materials to: TDOT Right of Way Division, Outdoor Advertising Office, Outdoor Advertising, Suite 400 James K. Polk Bldg., 505 Deaderick St., Nashville, TN 37243-0333.
Outdoor Advertising Applications:
- ODA Application New Device
- ODA Application Regulatory Suspension
- Addendum Application Digital Display
- Addendum Application Regulatory Suspension
- MAP21 ODA Application
- ODA Affidavit
For more information regarding Outdoor Advertising, please call Brian Dickerson at (615) 741-1877.