Austin Peay Highway (State Route 14)
Shelby County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is proposing to widen Austin Peay Highway (State Route 14) from east of Kerrville-Rosemark Road to the Tipton County line. This project will widen existing SR 14 from a 2-lane roadway to a 4-lane divided roadway along the existing alignment. The project will also replace the bridges over West Beaver Creek. The proposed project was listed in the Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Fiscal Years 2023-2026. The existing route consists of two 12-foot travel lanes with 4-foot shoulders. The proposed project is 4.26 miles in length and will widen the roadway to include four 12-foot travel lanes with 10-foot paved outside shoulders and 4-foot paved inside shoulders. The proposed depressed median width will be 48 feet. SR 14 is designated as a bike route along the extent of the project.
The primary purpose of the proposed project is to address local concerns by providing a facility that: (1) is compatible with existing and planned land use activities adjacent to or nearby the improvement; (2) can meet present and future traffic demands; and (3) provides local and regional motorists with improved connections to other major highways. Area residents and local officials are concerned with increasing traffic volumes and unsafe conditions along the route.
Current Status: Under construction
Estimated construction start: February 2024
Estimated completion: June 2027
Funding Type: 80% federal / 20% state

History and Background
The advanced planning report was completed for the SR 14 (Austin Peay Highway) corridor in 1998. Preliminary engineering began in 2001, and preliminary design plans were finalized in 2003. TDOT began developing Right of Way in 2004 and Right of Way plans were finalized in 2008. Utility certification was obtained in 2014. The project was initially planned as one large project, spanning 8.82 miles, but was eventually split into two separate projects. The first segment, from SR 385 to Kerrville-Rosemark Road, was let in 2018, and construction was completed in December 2021. This segment, which runs from Kerrville-Rosemark Road to the Tipton County line, is scheduled to be let in February 2024, with construction activities beginning soon thereafter.

Public Involvement and Engagement
- Combined Corridor and Design Public Hearings were held in Shelby County and in Tipton County in August 2003. Prior to these Public Hearings, TDOT published Public Hearing notices in local newspapers and distributed approximately 200 Public Hearing notices within the project area.
- A Right-of-Way Public Meeting was held in April 2008.
- As part of the Environmental Revaluation process, TDOT published a Public Notice in the Memphis Commercial Appeal in June 2023. Due to the minimal changes in design and impacts, no additional public outreach activities have been conducted.

Project Imagery & Visuals

- Original Environmental Assessment (EA) approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in June 2003.
- Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) approved by FHWA in December 2003.
- Environmental re-evaluation completed in August 2023.

Key Project Milestones
- 06/25/2001 – Initial Public Meeting held.
- 04/14/2003 – Preliminary plans finalized.
- 06/09/2009 – Environmental Assessment approved.
- 12/30/2003 – FONSI approved.
- 01/31/2008 – Right of Way plans finalized.
- 11/30/2023 – Construction Plans finalized.

Project Materials
See attached planning document and environmental document and appendices.
Project Contacts
Nichole Lawrence
TDOT Region 4 Regional Communications Officer (Media)
Phone: 731.935.0318
Dennis Moultrie
TDOT Region 4 Project Development (Preconstruction)
Phone: 731.935.0339
Katie McGinnis
TDOT Region 4 District Manager
Phone: 901.475.2519