Interstate 55 Interchange at Crump Boulevard
Shelby County
Interstate 55 is one of the major north-south transportation corridors in the United States. The I-55 Interchange at E.H. Crump Boulevard and South Riverside Drive in Memphis, Shelby County, is utilized by high volumes of a combination of local commuter and through-traffic, including large volumes of commercial truck traffic. The existing interchange cannot handle the current and projected traffic volumes in the area.
The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the I-55/Crump Boulevard interchange by replacing the existing cloverleaf design with a new configuration that reduces crashes, relieves congestion, and provides route continuity for I-55.
Current Status: Sunday, June 23rd at 10:00 AM the below will describe the new traffic patterns. See map above.
I-55 SB outside lane will be closed from the west end of the I-55 Bridge through the project site and the SB inside lane will cross-over at the east end of the I-55 Bridge and share the current I-55 NB cloverleaf ramp with I-55 NB and utilize the inside lane of the future I-55 NB from the cloverleaf to the south end of the project.
1. I-55 NB and SB will be a single lane in each direction moving from the existing I55 NB loop to the new flyover.
2. Riverside Dr. NB and SB closed from EH Crump I55 interchange to W Carolina Ave.
3. I-55 NB exit ramp to EH Crump will remain closed.
4. I-55 NB exit ramp to I-55NB will be closed and traffic will be moved to the new flyover.
5. Wisconsin Avenue will be opened.
6. Crump Boulevard from Kentucky St. to Metal Museum Drive will be closed.
7. Metal Museum Drive from Alston to I-55 NB will be closed.
8. Channel 3 ramp to Riverside Drive SB will remain closed.
9. Channel 3 ramp from Riverside Drive SB will remain closed.
Construction start: 2022
Estimated completion*: 2025
Funding Type: This project is funded with 90% federal dollars and 10% state dollars.

History and Background
The improvements to the I-55 Interchange at Crump Boulevard will be accomplished by constructing new through travel lanes for mainline I-55 traffic, which will eliminate the requirement for interstate traffic to use single-lane, low-speed ramps in order to continue on I-55. A new multi-lane roundabout intersection will be constructed to replace the existing cloverleaf interchange and provide improved access to and from I-55 and existing local roadways.

Public Involvement and Engagement
Four public meetings/hearings have been held to discuss the I-55 at E.H. Crump Boulevard project as indicated below. The purpose of the meetings was to provide updates on the project, discuss potential construction impacts, and gather public input. A brief presentation was provided at each meeting, followed by Q&A with TDOT representatives.
Meeting |
Date |
Location |
Public Hearing (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) |
July 7, 2009 |
MATA Central Station |
Public Information Meeting |
June 15, 2010 |
MATA Central Station |
Public Information Meeting |
June 1, 2015 |
West Memphis Civic Center |
Public Information Meeting |
June 4, 2015 |
MATA Central Station |
In addition to the public meetings, TDOT has held various meetings with public officials and local stakeholders to discuss the project and potential impacts to specific entities.

If remains, artifacts, or other archaeological materials are uncovered during construction, all construction in the area of the find will cease, and the Tennessee Division of Archaeology and recognized Native American tribes will be contacted immediately.
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) will no longer pursue the previously proposed long-term (up to 9 months) full-closure of the Interstate 55 (I-55) bridge over the Mississippi River during the reconstruction of the I-55 interchange at E.H. Crump Boulevard. The proposed improvements to this interchange were studied pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), through the development of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and the option for an up to 9-month full closure of the I-55 bridge during construction was being studied under a supplemental review to that EIS.
In January 2012, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved a Record of Decision (ROD), concluding the formal EIS development and identifying the Selected Alternative for the reconstruction of the I-55 interchange at E.H. Crump Boulevard. The Selected Alternative involves the replacement of the existing cloverleaf interchange with a new interchange configuration that will provide through lanes for mainline I-55 traffic, eliminating the need for interstate traffic to utilize single-lane, low-speed ramps in order to continue on mainline I-55. A new multi-lane roundabout interchange will be constructed to replace the existing cloverleaf interchange and provide improved access to and from I-55 and existing local roadways.
Following the issuance of the ROD, TDOT determined that a total closure of the I-55 bridge over the Mississippi River (Memphis-Arkansas Bridge) for up to nine months during construction may be necessary. On August 31, 2015, FHWA, in coordination with TDOT, published in the Federal Register a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a Limited Scope Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (LSSEIS) for the I-55 interchange at E.H. Crump Boulevard Project. The decision to pursue the LSSEIS was based on the potential for significant impacts associated with the potential for a long-term full closure (up to 9 months) of the I-55 Bridge over the Mississippi River during construction. A full closure of the I-55 Bridge for up to 9 months was not previously assessed and disclosed in the approved 2012 ROD or in the subsequent 2015 NEPA Reevaluation.
However, with the removal of this option from consideration, TDOT has determined that there are no changes to the project or any new information or circumstances that should warrant the preparation of an LSSEIS. Therefore, TDOT will cease development of the LSSEIS and instead pursue the development of a NEPA Reevaluation.
The most recent construction plans indicate that the basic setting of the affected environment has not been altered, and the project area is essentially of the same character as previously studied with no substantial modifications in land use or new development. There have been no changes to the project that would alter the findings documented in the approved 2012 ROD.
Record of Decision (ROD) (PDF 395 KB)
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) (PDF 14.5 MB)
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) (PDF 8.14 MB)

Key Project Milestones
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Approved |
March 2009 |
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Approved |
June 2011 |
Record of Decision (ROD) Approved |
January 2012 |
NEPA Right-of-Way Reevaluation Approved |
Summer 2020 |
NEPA Construction Reevaluation Approved |
Forecasted for Winter 2021 |
Project Letting |
March 25, 2022 |
Construction |
Estimated Completion 1st quarter of 2025 |

Project Imagery and Visuals

Project Materials
TDOT to Study Construction Impacts of I-55 at Crump Boulevard Project - July 24, 2015
TDOT Announces Reconstruction Plans for I-55 at Crump Blvd Interchange - May 27, 2015
TDOT Awards Contract to Improve I-55 and Crump Interchange - April 1, 2022
I-55 Mississippi River Bridge Closure - May 30, 2023
I-55 at Crump Interchange Newsletter - August 2022
Project Contacts
Nichole Lawrence
TDOT Region 4 Regional Communications Officer
Phone: 731-225-6041
Katie McGinnis
TDOT Region 4 District Manager
Phone: 901-475-2519