Interstate 40 Interchange at Airline Road
Shelby County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), in partnership with the Town of Arlington, plans to construct improvements to the Interstate 40 Interchange at State Route 205 (Airline Road, Exit 25) in Shelby County. The proposed improvements will convert the existing diamond interchange to a dumbbell roundabout configuration, with a goal of improving traffic operations, reducing delay, and minimizing queuing on the eastbound exit ramp from I-40 to Airline Road.
Current Status: The project is under development.
Estimated construction start: This project is scheduled in TDOT’s 10-Year Project Plan to begin construction in Fiscal Year 2027.
Estimated completion*: TBD
Funding Type: This project is funded through the Statewide Partnership Program. The Town of Arlington is providing a portion of the project’s funding, with the remainder funded through the Transportation Modernization Fund and traditional federal and state sources.

History and Background
Because of delays and congestion at the I-40 interchange at Airline Road, the Town of Arlington conducted a feasibility study in order to analyze whether conversion from the exiting interchange, a signal-controlled diamond interchange, could potential result in improved traffic operations during peak traffic periods. The study identified a dumbbell roundabout configuration, whereby the existing signal-controlled intersections would be converted to roundabouts, as a good candidate for improving traffic operations, reducing delay, and minimizing queuing on the eastbound exit ramp from I-40 to Airline Road. Additionally, TDOT projects that converting the interchange to include roundabouts will have safety benefits, as roundabouts are generally acknowledged to be safer than other intersection types, particularly for injury crash rates.
In 2023, the Town of Arlington submitted this project to TDOT as a potential Statewide Partnership Program project, whereby Arlington would contribute local funding to accelerate a project on TDOT’s system. TDOT review indicated that this project was a strong candidate, and the project is identified for funding in TDOT’s current 10-Year Project Plan.
Project Contacts
Nichole Lawrence
TDOT Region 4 Regional Communications Officer (Media)
Phone: 731.935.0318
Eli Jones
TDOT Region 4 Project Management
Phone: 615.969.0245