America’s River Crossing Bridge Replacement (I-55 Bridge)
The proposed project would replace the existing 75-year-old I-55 bridge to improve safety, address route resiliency and maintain a state of good repair. The proposed project would improve mobility, provide safer and improved driving conditions and address traffic flow and operations for local and regional motorists and travelers in the tri-state area. Two public meetings were held in April 2024 for the proposed project, which provided the project team with valuable feedback to incorporate into the project design. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Transportation informed Congress of a landmark federal investment of nearly $400 million that will be allocated toward half the cost of replacing the I-55 bridge over the Mississippi River. This investment marks a significant step toward enhancing regional and national connectivity and safety.
Other project benefits and goals include:
- Reducing future maintenance costs;
- Providing a new bridge that meets modern seismic code (earthquake resistant);
- Enhancing local and regional freight movement;
- Enhancing multimodal connectivity, including non-motorized access with the Big River Crossing;
- Improving economic vitality; and
- Innovative and timely delivery, utilizing a Large Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant award.
Current Status: FHWA has approved a draft environmental document. Two public hearings will be held in November, where TDOT will present information for the proposed project and the public will be invited to leave comments. Further information is available under the "Public Involvement and Engagement" section below.
Funding Type: Transportation Modernization Act funds have been allocated for the proposed project. TDOT, in partnership with the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT), will also utilize a $393.75 million Bridge Investment Program (BIP) US DOT grant to help fund the project, which was announced in July 2024 .
- Design Firm Selected for America's River Crossing
- Press release announcing USDOT BIP Award
- Federal Highway Administration Press Release: INVESTING IN AMERICA
- Application for Bridge Investment Program (BIP) Large Bridge Grant
- Bridge Investment Program (BIP) Large Bridge Grant – Supplemental Information
- Bridge Investment Program (BIP) Large Bridge Grant – List of Supporters

History and Background
The Memphis-Arkansas Bridge opened in December 1949 and was originally part of the US 40 corridor. It replaced narrow traffic lanes on the Harahan Bridge, constructed in 1916. The Memphis-Arkansas Bridge carries I-55 across the Mississippi River and is the southernmost of the bridges in the Memphis area. In 2001, the bridge was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. TDOT and ARDOT have coordinated on numerous studies since 2003, including:
Public Involvement and Engagement
In accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations and under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), an environmental document is required that identifies the significance of a project’s environmental impact. A draft Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared, and can be viewed at the links below.
Looking forward and after submitting the finalized EA to FHWA, the project team is anticipating receipt of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), prior to beginning Functional Design. Functional Design must be completed before the proposed project can begin construction.
TDOT held two Public Meetings in April 2024 and two Public Hearings in November 2024. Representatives from the Department presented information relative to the general location, major design features, the social, economic, environmental, and/or other effects of the proposed Project, the relocation assistance program, construction and any other matters of public interest. The public was invited to ask questions and to make comments during the hearings.
Alternative Delivery Page and Information
Draft Environmental Assessment and Line & Grade Design
- Appendix A: Project History Past Studies Memo
- Appendix B: Baseline Conditions Memo
- Appendix C: Traffic and Safety Memo
- Appendix D: Purpose and Need
- Appendix E: Agency Correspondence
- Appendix F: Alternatives Screening Memo
- Appendix G: Public Meeting Summary with Appendices
- Appendix H: Socioeconomic and EJ Memo
- Appendix I: History Report
- Appendix J: Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix K: Noise Technical Report
- Appendix L: Air Quality Report
- Appendix M: Phase I ESA
- Appendix N: EBR
- Appendix O: Biological Assessment
- Appendix P: E.H. Crump Section 4(f)
- Appendix Q: Big River Trail Section 4(f)
- Appendix R: Indirect Effects Memo
- Appendix S: Cumulative Effects Memo
Public Hearing Exhibits
Other Public Involvement Resources
Project Contacts
- Brandon Akins, Project Manager
- Nichole Lawrence, Region 4 Regional Communications Officer