Interstate 40 Interchange at Christmasville Road
Madison County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), in partnership with the City of Jackson, plans to construct improvements at the interchange of Interstate 40 and Christmasville Road. The project, which was identified for funding in Governor Bill Lee’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget, will include the addition of a loop ramp from I-40 eastbound to northbound Christmasville Road, improvements to other ramps, and widening of Christmasville Road between Bancorpsouth Parkway and Kenworth Boulevard. The project is intended to address geometric and safety deficiencies with the current roadway, as well as accommodate past and future development in the area.
Current Status: Preliminary engineering is underway. A draft Interchange Access Request (IAR) has been prepared and submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for review and comment.
Estimated construction start: This project is scheduled in TDOT’s 10-Year Project Plan to begin construction in Fiscal Year 2027.
Estimated completion*: TBD
Funding Type: This project is funded through the Statewide Partnership Program, with part of the project’s funding coming from local partners and the remainder funded through the 2023 General Fund Transfer and traditional federal and state sources.

History and Background
Christmasville Road crosses over I-40 near the eastern edge of Jackson in Madison County. South of I-40 at this interchange, there has been significant commercial and industrial development over recent years. North of I-40 there has been residential growth since the initial construction of this interchange, and recently a large commercial facility was constructed on Sand Pebble Drive.
The current interchange is a Traditional Diamond configuration, with four ramps meeting two signalized intersections along Christmasville Road. Christmasville Road is currently a 2-lane roadway with turn lanes provided at the necessary intersections.
Three of the four ramp infields at this interchange include grading for future loop ramps, which will reduce the cost and time to complete this and future projects.

Key Project Milestones
TDOT plans on issuing right-of-way plans in Fall 2024.
Project Contacts
Nichole Lawrence
TDOT Region 4 Regional Communications Officer (Media)
Phone: 731.935.0318
Seth Hendren
TDOT Region 4 Project Management
*Subject to change