State Route 6 (US 43) Horse and Buggy Path
Lawrence County
A traffic signal and multi-directional horse and buggy path will be constructed along State Route 6 (US 43) in Lawrence County. The two-lane path will connect travelers from SR 6 to Remke Lane and Mattoxtown Road, which will then provide to Springer Street and other local, less trafficked roads.
SR 6 is a highly trafficked roadway connecting Ethridge and Lawrenceburg. Nearby Amish communities often use the road to get to and from Lawrenceburg. A wide shoulder gives horse and buggies the space they need to stay out of the lanes of travel. However, the shoulder narrows and disappears near Good Hope Road, forcing buggies onto the roadway. As a result, several serious and even deadly crashes have occurred. A dedicated horse and buggy path will allow those on horse and buggy to safely travel SR 6 the entire way into Lawrenceburg.
Current Status:
Estimated construction start: 2022
Estimated completion*: Summer 2023

History and Background
The project consists of traffic signals at the intersections of Good Hope Road and SR 6 and Remke Lane and SR 6, as well as the construction of a 14-foot wide, two-directional horse and buggy path from Good Hope Road to Remke Lane (1.04 miles).
The path will be constructed on the west side of SR 6 and will connect travelers from SR 6 to Remke Lane. A locally constructed road will connect Remke Lane to Mattoxtown Road, which will then give travelers access to Springer St. and other local, less trafficked roads.

Key Project Milestones
Construction Contract Awarded in April 2022.
Project Contacts
Erin Zeigler
TDOT Region 3 Regional Communications Officer (Media)
Phone: 629.277.2458
Michael Norris
TDOT Region 3