State Route 28 (US 127)
Bledsoe County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is proposing to construct improvements to State Route 28 (US 127) in Bledsoe County. The proposed work included reconstructing and widening SR 28 to two 12-foot lanes with 10-foot shoulders. Turn lanes, continuous left turn lanes and passing lanes will be added at various locations from south of Humble Cemetery Road to the 5-lane section south of Pikeville, TN.
This project is identified for funding in TDOT's 10-Year Project Plan, with construction scheduled for Fiscal Year 2028.
Current Status: Roadway plans are in the Right-of-Way (ROW) design phase. The project is slated to begin ROW appraisals and acquisition in Fiscal Year 2025.
Estimated construction start: Fiscal Year 2028.
Estimated completion*: TBD
Funding Type: TDOT anticipates that this project will be funded in part through the Transportation Modernization Fund.

Traffic Impacts
Traffic will be shifted to one side of SR 28 while the full build out is under construction. Minor lane closures are expected, but no detours are anticipated.

History and Background
Due to a lack of turning facilities, limited passing facilities, 11-foot lane widths, and narrow shoulders, traffic along SR 28 experiences decreased average travel speeds and increased percent time spent following. This project will widen SR 28 to 12-foot lanes with 10-foot shoulders and turn lanes, continuous left turn lanes and passing lanes at various locations.

Public Involvement and Engagement
A Public Meeting was held July 9th at Bledsoe County High School from 5:00pm to 7:00pm (Central). Public Meeting Presentation (July 9, 2024) Project Roll Plot (July 9, 2024)

A D-List Categorical Exclusion was approved in July 2022.
Project Contacts
Rae Anne Bradley
TDOT Region 2 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: (423) 510-1164
Curt Duncan
TDOT Region 2 Project Management
Phone: (423) 634-5796