Georgetown Road (State Route 60)
Bradley County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) will improve a 2.9-mile section of State Route 60 from north of I-75 to SR 306 (Eureka Road). The project includes realignment, widening and new construction of a five-lane roadway from a two-lane roadway, and will also include roadside ditches, paved shoulders, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and street lighting. In addition, the project will include the construction of a new bridge over Candies Creek and upgraded intersections and traffic signals at intersections with Crown Colony Drive, Villa Drive, Paul Huff Parkway and SR 306. Two retaining walls will be constructed to accommodate the widened roadway and several major utilities will be relocated.
This section of SR 60 has three schools, several new commercial developments, and has seen a significant general increase in daily traffic. It is imperative this portion of roadway is improved. The proposed improvements for this route will correct roadway deficiencies, improve access, increase capacity, and improve the safety, efficiency, and operation of the roadway.
Current Status: Under Construction
Estimated construction start: October 2021
Estimated completion*: August 2025

Traffic Impacts
Due to the significant size of the State Route 60 (Georgetown Road) project, the contractor will be conducting construction activities in three phases. Please note that scheduled phases are tentative and dependent on weather and project progress.
PHASE 1 – October 2020 to May 2023
- SR 60 – Two travel lanes (one lane in each direction) will remain open, but lanes will be shifted to allow for roadway construction and installation utility work.
- Davis Circle – North end access to SR 60 will be closed. Access to SR 60 will require all traffic to use the south end of Davis Circle.
- Eveningside Drive – North end access to SR 60 will be closed. Access to SR 60 will require all traffic to use the south end of Eveningside Drive.
- A detour will be in place for Old Georgetown Street and Ann Lane realignment. Access provided by Gregory Lane.
- Freewill Road/Eureka Road (SR 306) intersection realignment. Flagging operations and traffic shifts.
PHASE 2 – May 2023 to November 2024
- SR 60 – Two travel lanes (one lane in each direction) will remain open, but lanes will be shifted to allow for roadway construction and installation utility work.
- Davis Circle – North end access to SR 60 will be closed. Access to SR 60 will require all traffic to use the south end of Davis Circle.
- Campbell Drive – Reconstruction activities will be performed with flagging operation to allow traffic ingress and egress.
- Weston Hills Drive – Reconstruction activities will be performed with flagging operation to allow traffic ingress and egress.
- Villa Drive – Realignment of the intersection will require flagging operations and traffic shifts.
- Kimberly Drive - Reconstruction activities will be performed with flagging operation to allow traffic ingress and egress.
- Lenox Drive - Reconstruction activities will be performed with flagging operation to allow traffic ingress and egress.
- Candies Creek Lane - Reconstruction activities will be performed with flagging operation to allow traffic ingress and egress.
- Gregory Lane – Realignment and construction activities will require this intersection to be closed and detoured through Ann Lane.
PHASE 3 – November 2024 to August 2025
Final paving, pavement markings and signs will be installed. Traffic will encounter flagging operations, and traffic shifts while these activities are taking place.

History and Background
The existing route is a two-lane highway with negligible shoulders and access to businesses as well as residential properties. The section between Davis Circle and Lenox Drive will be widened predominately to the west of the existing roadway. From Lenox Drive through the Paul Huff Parkway intersection will be a new roadway alignment on all new construction. This will eliminate a curve on a hill that provides poor visibility. From Candy’s Creek Cherokee Elementary School to Hopewell Place, SR 60 will be reconstructed and widened to both sides of the existing roadway. The new alignment will be a five-lane facility, allowing for two lanes in each direction with a dedicated center turn lane.
The intersection of SR 60 and SR 306 (Eureka Road/Freewill Road) will be reconstructed and realigned to provide a better angle and create improved sight distance for vehicles at the signalized intersection.
A new bridge will be constructed over Candies Creek. In total, construction will include one bridge, one box culvert, and two retaining walls along the route.
Additionally, 5-foot sidewalks will be constructed along both sides of the roadway.

Project Imagery & Visuals
Project Contacts
Rae Anne Bradley
TDOT Region 2 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: (423) 510-1164
David Wagner
TDOT Region 2 District Manager
Phone: (423) 478-0338
Jeff Vanzura
Atlas Technical Consultants Construction Manager
Phone: (864) 483-1713