State Route 52 (Celina Truck Route)
Clay County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is proposing to construct a truck route on new alignment, bypassing the portion of existing State Route 52 that passes through downtown Celina. The proposed truck route will start at the northwest side of Celina, near Kyle Street, and end at an intersection with existing SR 52 near Washington Street on the south side of Celina. The proposed route will be 0.75 miles in length and will include a bridge over West Lake Avenue, four retaining walls, on-site wetland and stream mitigation and right-of-way acquisition from 26 properties with six residential relocations.
At present, tractor-trailers have difficulty making narrow turns on the existing route, which has resulted in side-swipe collisions with the corners of buildings. Further, local industry would benefit from an improved route. The proposed SR 52 truck route will address these needs by diverting truck traffic volume currently utilizing SR 52 away from Celina’s central business district; create a safer, more efficient, and less congested route designed to current standards and practices for local motorists traveling on SR 52; and improve transportation options and access for existing small-town businesses, industries and agricultural activities in Celina and Clay County. Clay County is identified as an economically distressed county by the Appalachian Regional Commission.
This project is identified for funding in TDOT's 10-Year Project Plan, with construction scheduled for Fiscal Year 2026.
Current Status: Right-of-Way (ROW) plans have been finalized and the project is currently in the Right-of-Way phase.
Estimated construction start: Fiscal Year 2026.

Project Imagery & Visuals

A D-List Categorical Exclusion was approved in March 2022. A Right-of-Way reevaluation is underway, with anticipated completion in December 2023.

Key Project Milestones
Project Design Initiated May 2019
Right-of-Way Appraisals and Acquisition Fiscal Year 2024
Construction Fiscal Year 2026
Project Contacts
Rae Anne Bradley
TDOT Region 2 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: (423) 510-1164 Email:
Jeremy Bryson
TDOT Region 2 Project Management
Phone: (423) 634-7464
*Subject to change