State Route 320
Hamilton County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is proposing to construct improvements to State Route 320 in Hamilton County. The proposed work includes widening and reconstruction of State Route 320 from the existing 5 lane section east of Bel-Air Road to SR 321, and SR 321 from Cobble Creek Way to East Hamilton High School.
The purpose of these improvements is to:
- Create a consistent 5 lane curb and gutter roadway with bicycle lanes and sidewalks along SR 320 (East Brainerd Road).
- Provide additional lanes for safe traffic operations.
- Improve the intersection at SR 320 (East Brainerd Road) and SR 321 (Ooltewah-Ringgold Road).
This project is identified for funding in TDOT's 10-Year Project Plan, with construction scheduled for Fiscal Year 2026.
Current Status: Right-of-way (ROW) acquisition is underway
Estimated construction start: Fiscal Year 2026
Funding Type: Partially federally funded

History and Background
As one of the few east-west arterial connections through this area, the corridor provides a direct and essential connection between Interstate 75 to the west and SR 321 to the east for people living and working in the eastern Chattanooga and southeastern Hamilton County area. The level of development and continued growth within the study area underscores the need to address inadequate traffic capacity, roadway deficiencies and the overall safety and operation of the highway.
Improvements to this corridor have been included in Long Range Transportation Plans and Area Plans through the Chattanooga Metropolitan Planning Organization. Project work along SR 320 begins near Bel-Air Road and was initially intended to terminate at the intersection of SR 321 (Ooltewah-Ringgold Rd). However, due to heavy traffic volumes and sight distance issues, the project was expanded to improve the intersection with SR 321. With ongoing urban development throughout the corridor, this project has also required regular coordination with developers to ensure local development will be minimally impacted by the proposed footprint.

Public Involvement and Engagement
There are currently no upcoming meetings.
Previous meetings administered by TDOT are listed below:
• Public Design Meeting – Held on 11/7/19 at East Hamilton High School
• Public Meeting Presentation 11.07.19 (pdf)
• Public Right Of Way Meeting – Held on 7/25/23 at East Hamilton High School
• Public Meeting Presentation 07.25.23 (pdf)

Project Imagery & Visuals

An Environmental Assessment (EA) Reevaluation was approved in November 2020.
Environmental Assessment (EA) (pdf) – Approved November 10, 2020.
Environmental Assessment (EA) Appendices (pdf) – October 29, 2020.

Key Project Milestones
Project Design Initiated May 2018
Design Public Meeting November 2019
Right-of-Way Appraisals and Acquisition June 2023 (Ongoing)
Construction Summer 2026
*All forecasted dates are subject to change
Project Contacts
Rae Anne Bradley
TDOT Region 2 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: (423) 510-1164
Erin Woodson
TDOT Region 2 Project Management
Phone: (423) 510-1227 Email: