State Route 343 (South Cumberland Street)

Hamblen County
State Route 343

On behalf of the City of Morristown, the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is administering various improvements along the 3.8 mile portion of State Route 343 (South Cumberland Street) from State Route 160 to North Liberty Hill Road. Among these improvements include reconstruction of the 4-lane segment from State Route 160 to East Morris Boulevard to 3 lanes (one travel lane in each direction with a continuous center turn lane), as well as a 10-foot shared use path on the eastern side of the roadway and a 6-foot sidewalk on the western side. Additionally, the project will consist of upgrading the following 12 intersections throughout the project limits to conform to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, including curb ramps, crosswalks, pedestrian poles, and mast arm signal poles:

  • North Liberty Hill Road
  • Fairview Road
  • Davis Street
  • Cherokee Drive
  • 3Rd North Street
  • 2nd North Street
  • 1st North Street
  • Main Street
  • East Morris Boulevard
  • Louise Avenue
  • Brown Avenue
  • Lincoln Avenue/Algonquin Street

Current Status: The project is in the preliminary design stage of development.

Estimated construction start: Late 2026/Early 2027

Estimated Completion*: TBD

Funding Source: In 2022, the City of Morristown successfully obtained a RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) grant for the proposed improvements. While funds for the RAISE grant program were authorized under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the intended purpose of the program is to fund projects having a significant local or regional impact. On behalf of the city, TDOT is administering the preliminary engineering, right-of-way and construction phases of the project.

History and Background

History and Background

With a vision for transforming State Route 343 to a gateway corridor into Morristown, the city was awarded a TDOT Urban Transportation Planning Grant for a Complete Streets and ITS Traffic Signalization study of the State Route 343 corridor in 2021. The resulting study identified multiple transportation-related issues along the route and categorized recommendations in the following areas:

  • Safety Improvements
  • Pedestrian Improvements
  • Connection to Resources
  • Access Management
  • Aesthetics

Upon successfully obtaining the RAISE grant in 2022, the recommendations resulting from the study have been utilized by the TDOT project team in developing preliminary roadway plans.

Public Involvement and Engagement

Public Involvement and Engagement 

A public informational meeting will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024 at Morristown West High School from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Meeting Notice

December 5, 2024 Public Meeting Presentation in English

December 5, 2024 Public Meeting Presentation in Spanish

Project Contacts

Mark Nagi
TDOT Region 1 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: 865.594.0161

John Barrett
TDOT Region 1 Project Management
Phone: 865.594.2484