State Route 34 (US 11E)
Hamblen County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is proposing to improve State Route 34 (US 11E) from SR 32 (US 25E) to Steadman Road in Hamblen County. The project includes widening or realignment of the existing roadway. SR 34 connects SR 32 (US 25E) in Hamblen County with Interstate 81 in Greene County. The existing roadway between SR 32 (US 25E) and Steadman Road is a two-lane, rural arterial route. The proposed project will widen the existing roadway to a five-lane facility or realign the two-lane roadway, depending on location. Construction will increase the number of lanes and/or increase lane and shoulder widths and improve route deficiencies. The planned improvements are designed to improve safety, address congestion, and accommodate future growth in the area.
Due to the size of this project, TDOT has divided improvements to SR 34 into three phases. Phase 1, from SR 32 to near East Morris Boulevard, is identified for funding in TDOT's 10-Year Project Plan, with construction scheduled for Fiscal Year 2024.
Current Status: Right of way appraisal and acquisition is currently underway from SR 32 to near East Morris Blvd and from near East Morris Blvd to west of Old Stagecoach Road.
Estimated construction start: Fiscal Year 2024
Estimated completion*: TBD

History and Background
SR 34 connects SR 32 (US 25E) in Hamblen County and I-81 in Greene County. The existing roadway between SR 32 (US 25E) and Steadman Road is a two-lane, rural arterial route. Due to the size of the project, improvements to SR 34 have been divided into three smaller sections or phases.
- From SR 32 (US 25E) in Morristown to near East Morris Boulevard
- Five-lane roadway
- Two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction
- Continuous center turn lane
- Five-lane roadway
- From East Morris Boulevard to west of Old Stagecoach Road in Russellville
- Five-lane roadway on new alignment
- Two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction
- One continuous center turn lane
- 12-foot shoulders
- Five-lane roadway on new alignment
- From west of Old Stagecoach Road in Russellville to Steadman Road
- Five-lane roadway on new alignment
- Two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction
- One continuous center turn lane
- 12-foot shoulders
- Five-lane roadway on new alignment

Public Involvement and Engagement
A Design Public Meeting was held September 15, 2016. Displays from the meeting are below:
- Public Meeting Presentation - from Old Stagecoach Road to Steadman Road
- From SR 32 (US 25E) in Morristown to near East Morris Boulevard
- From East Morris Boulevard to west of Old Stagecoach Road in Russellville
- From west of Old Stagecoach Road in Russellville to Steadman Road

Project Imagery & Visuals

The Environmental Assessment (EA) was approved in May 2009 and the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was issued in March 2010.

Key Project Milestones
SR 34 from SR 32 to Steadman Road (full project length) |
EA1 Document Approved |
May 2009 |
FONSI2 Document Approved |
March 2010 |
From SR 32 (US 25E) to near East Morris Boulevard |
ROW Appraisal/Acquisition |
Currently underway |
Construction |
Scheduled for Fiscal Year 2024 |
From near East Morris Boulevard to west of Old Stagecoach Road |
ROW Appraisal/Acquisition |
Currently Underway |
Construction |
Pending ROW acquisition AND funding availability |
From west of Old Stagecoach Road to Steadman Road |
ROW Appraisal/Acquisition |
Forecasted for Fiscal Year 2022 |
Construction |
Pending ROW acquisition AND funding availability |
*All forecasted dates subject to change.
- EA = Environmental Assessment (required by Federal Highway Administration as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process)
- FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact (required by Federal Highway Administration as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process)
Project Contacts
Mark Nagi
TDOT Region 1 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: 865.594.0161
Eric Wilson
TDOT Region 1 Project Management