State Route 322
Monroe County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is proposing to construct improvements to State Route 322 in Monroe County. SR 322 between Sweetwater-Vonore Road and SR 72 is a key connector from I-75 to several industrial parks, including Sweetwater Industrial park, Niles Ferry Industrial Park, and Tellico West Industrial Park. The current roadway consists of varying widths, with 10- to 12-foot travel lanes and 2- to 6-foot shoulders; additionally, several locations along the corridor have geometric deficiencies, including sharp curves, steep grades, and low sight distances. The planned improvements are designed to improve safety, mobility, and overall efficiency of the corridor.
The proposed design would allow for 12-foot travel lanes with 8- to 10-foot shoulders throughout the length of the project. In addition to widening, several locations along the route have been identified for additional safety improvements due to deficiencies in the curvature and grade of the roadway. Correcting the deficiencies will allow for better sight distance at intersections. Additional capacity and safety improvements, including the addition of turn lanes, are also proposed at the intersection of SR 322 and SR 72. Due to the overall corridor length, improvements to SR 322 have been divided into three smaller projects: from Sweetwater-Vonore Road to near Acorn Gap Road, from near Acorn Gap Road to Sheppard Road, and from Sheppard Road to SR 72.
One phase of this project, from Sheppard Road to SR 72, is identified for funding in TDOT's 10-Year Project Plan, with construction scheduled for Fiscal Year 2025. The other two phases have not yet been identified for funding.
Current Status: Right of way appraisals and acquisitions are underway for the phase from Sheppard Road to SR 72.
Construction start: Fiscal Year 2025
Estimated completion*: TBD

History and Background
Improvements to SR 322 were studied by TDOT in a 2007 Advanced Planning Report. The APR evaluated 8.5 miles of the corridor, from west of Sunnyside Road to SR 72 in Monroe County. Following ongoing funding concerns, TDOT Commissioner John Schroer authorized a reinvestigation of the proposed project in June 2014. The Expedited Project Delivery (EPD) report was approved in January 2015, which allowed the project to move forward.

Public Involvement and Engagement
There are no future public involvement meetings scheduled at this time. Previous meetings took place in April 2010, September 2007, and July 2017.

A National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Public Hearing was held in April 2010 at Sweetwater Primary School, 500 TN-322, Sweetwater, TN 37874. The purpose of the hearing was to discuss the findings of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) document and gather public comments. The NEPA document was approved in April 2010 and the Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) was received in December 2010.

Key Project Milestones
West of Sunnyside Road to State Route 72 (full project length) |
Advanced Planning Report (APR) Approved |
2007 |
Build Alternatives Workshop (Public Meeting) |
September 2007 |
NEPA1 Document Approved |
April 2010 |
FONSI2 Document Approved |
December 2010 |
TDOT Project Evaluation (due to funding limitations) |
June 2014 |
Advanced Planning Report (APR) Approved (new) |
January 2015 |
Sweetwater-Vonore Road to near Acorn Gap Road |
Preliminary Design (underway) |
February 2017 |
Design Public Meeting |
Public Design meeting to be scheduled once project is identified for funding. |
From Near Acorn Gap Road to Sheppard Road |
Preliminary Design (underway) |
February 2017 |
Design Public Meeting |
Public Design meeting to be scheduled once project is identified for funding |
Sheppard Road to State Route 72 |
Preliminary Design (underway) |
April 2016 |
Design Public Meeting |
July 2017 |
ROW Appraisals/Acquisitions |
Underway |
Construction |
Project budgeted in TDOT's 10-Year Project Plan in Fiscal Year 2025 |
*All forecasted dates are subject to change.
1. NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act (required by Federal Highway Administration to assess environmental impact)
2. FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact (required by Federal Highway Administration as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process)
Project Contacts
Mark Nagi
TDOT Region 1 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: 865.594.0161
Tracie Widner
TDOT Region 1 Project Management
Stacy Weaver, PE
TDOT Region 1 Roadway Design Manager