State Route 93
Sullivan and Washington counties
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is constructing improvements to Sullivan Gardens Parkway (State Route 93) in Sullivan and Washington Counties. This project is intended to improve safety, provide an upgraded link in the regional transportation system, and improve level of service and overall operations. The project will also promote economic development and correct roadway deficiencies.
As part of the design process, TDOT and local stakeholders considered five improvement options. The final design, Option 5 (Spot Improvements), was selected by TDOT and local officials. Due to the size of improvements along the corridor, TDOT split this project into three segments. The first two segments have been completed; the third segment is identified for funding in TDOT's 10-Year Project Plan, with construction scheduled for Fiscal Year 2024.
Current Status: Right of way acquisition is underway for the 3rd segment of the project.
Construction start: Fiscal Year 2024
Estimated completion*: Section 1 was completed in 2021, Section 2 was completed in 2022 and Section 3’s construction completion is to be determined.
Funding Type: TDOT anticipates that a portion of this project will be funded through the Transportation Modernization Fund.

History and Background
The original scope for improving five separate locations along SR 93 has been condensed into three sections, which will be developed separately. Locations 1 & 2 were combined. Location 3 is stand-alone. Locations 4 & 5 were combined.
Section 1 (Fall Branch Area) – Citizens in the Fall Branch community are concerned with safety near Fall Branch Elementary School, which has through-traffic mixed with local traffic. Peak traffic hours occur between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and between 2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., accommodating school buses and other mixed traffic. Improvements include two 12-foot travel lanes with a continuous 12-foot turn lane. Five-foot sidewalks and handicap ramps were constructed at intersections within this section.
Section 2 (Horse Creek Area) – This area is of major concern due to the narrow roadway and deficient shoulders that has a cliff on one side and a creek with a steep bank on the other side. Improvements realigned SR 93 to improve sight distance and provided two 12-foot lanes with 6-foot shoulders within this section.
Section 3 (Industrial Access Area) – The industrial area at the beginning of this section presents safety concerns due to slow-moving equipment that crosses the road between two buildings that are owned by the same business. Additionally, large trucks pull in and out of the businesses. Proposed improvements would include construction of two 12-foot lanes with a 12-foot center turn lane in the industrial area. The remainder of this section would have improved sight distance and two 12-foot lanes and 6-foot shoulders.

Public Involvement and Engagement
· Right-of-Way Meeting – May 17, 2016
· Public Design Meeting – May 22, 2014
· Public Informational Meeting – April 18, 2013

All Environmental Studies for all sections of this project were completed in the Spring of 2015.
In July 2009, TDOT historians performed a preliminary scoping. Fall Branch Elementary School was cited as potentially eligible for the National Register for Historic Properties (NHRP). Several structures in Fall Branch on or adjacent to SR 93 also need to be surveyed for individual eligibility. In Sullivan County, the historians noted at least five structures that need to be surveyed along the existing corridor.

Key Project Milestones
Improvements to SR 93, between I-81 and SR 347 (Lone Star Road), consist of three sections.
Section 1 – Fall Branch |
Right-of-way plans and acquisitions |
Completed 2015-16 |
Construction |
Completed 2021 |
Section 2 – Horse Creek |
Right-of-way plans and acquisitions |
Completed 2015-16 |
Construction |
Completed 2022 |
Section 3 – Industrial Access Area |
Right-of-way plans and acquisitions |
Completed 2016-17 |
Construction |
Scheduled for Fiscal Year 2024 |
Project Contacts
Mark Nagi
TDOT Region 1 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: 865.594.0161
Eric Wilson
TDOT Region 1 Project Management