State Route 170
Anderson County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is proposing to construct improvements to State Route 170 in Anderson County. The existing roadway along SR 170 between SR 62 and SR 9 (US 25W) is a two-lane facility with turn lanes provided at strategic intersections. Construction of this project will increase the number of travel lanes from two to four 12-foot lanes and provide either a raised median or a center turn lane, along with replacing the bridge over the Clinch River. Several intersections along the corridor will also see improvements, including realignment, reconfiguration, and addition of turning lanes. Current plans are to also provide a sidewalk and shared use path for non-motorized users. The planned improvements are designed to improve safety, mobility, and overall efficiency of the corridor.
Due to the overall corridor length, improvements to SR 170 have been divided into two smaller projects: From near the interchange with SR 62 to near Melton Lake Drive and from near Melton Lake Drive to SR 9 (US 25W).
Both segments of SR 170 are identified for funding in TDOT's 10-Year Project Plan. The first segment, from near SR 62 to near Melton Lake Drive, is scheduled for construction in Fiscal Year 2027; the second segment, from near Melton Lake Drive to SR 9 (US 25W), is funded for construction in Fiscal Year 2028.
Current Status: Preliminary engineering and environmental studies are currently underway on the section of the overall corridor improvement from an area near Melton Lake Drive to SR 9 (US 25W).
Estimated construction start: Fiscal Years 2027/2028
Estimated completion*: TBD
Funding Type: TDOT anticipates that this project will be funded in part through the Transportation Modernization Fund.

History and Background
TDOT initiated a Transportation Planning Report in 2010 to study the corridor to evaluate what improvements are necessary in the corridor. The study area extended from SR-62 to SR-9 and considered three alternatives: (1) a no-build alternative, (2) widening along existing alignment, and (3) spot improvements. The planning study was updated in 2022 and two distinct projects were identified to widen the corridor along the existing alignment and to improve mobility within the corridor for motorized and non-motorized users.

Project Imagery & Visuals

The Class of Action for the required environmental document is yet to be confirmed, but it is expected that a Categorical Exclusion will be sufficient to document the project impacts to the resources in the corridor.

Project Milestones
TDOT anticipates initiating the Right-of-Way phase for the segment of the corridor from an area near Melton Lake Drive to SR 9 in fiscal year 2025.
Project Contacts
Mark Nagi
TDOT Region 1 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: 865.594.0161
John Sherk
TDOT Region 1 Project Management