TDOT Launches Downtown Nashville Interstate Corridors Planning and Environmental Linkages Study
Study Materials Available Online for Public Comment PeriodNashville, Tenn. — The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) will host a virtual public engagement event during the month of April to introduce a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study on the Downtown Nashville Interstate Corridors. The purpose of the PEL Study is to determine overall urban congestion relief improvement strategies for the interstate network leading into and surrounding Downtown Nashville. The study includes 45 miles of interstate segments.
Due to the size and diversity of the corridor, TDOT is holding a 30-day virtual event on the website for anyone to review information about the PEL Study and share their concerns and experiences with the Downtown Nashville Interstate Corridors. The online format will allow TDOT to host a greater audience, prioritize accessibility, and allow participants to gain information and share feedback with greater convenience.
To access the virtual public engagement event, visit During this virtual event, you will:
• Learn about the PEL Study objectives.
• See existing conditions within the Study corridor.
• Provide feedback on the draft Purpose and Need and Study Goals.
• Help the PEL Study Team understand your primary concerns and priorities.
The virtual public engagement event also launches the public comment period for the PEL Study from April 1-30. Share your comments and input using the online comment form on the website, by phone at (615) 451-8039, or by email at
After the public comment period, the PEL Study materials will remain on the website for the duration of the study and TDOT invites the public and stakeholders to continue to share input.
PEL is a collaborative approach to transportation decision-making that considers the benefits and impacts of proposed transportation system improvements to the environment, community, and economy during the early transportation planning process. The primary goal of a PEL Study is to gather information early in planning to inform the environmental review process and meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). TDOT intends to adopt planning products and recommendations made as part of the PEL Study into future NEPA studies, per Title 23 of the US Code, Part 168.
The Downtown Nashville Interstate Corridor was selected for this PEL Study based on previous traffic congestion studies and Congestion Action Plans conducted by TDOT. Among the solutions being considered are Choice Lanes, which would be new lanes added to an interstate to manage traffic through dynamic pricing. To learn more about Choice Lanes, visit