Procurement Approval Request - State Funds
To request approval for procurements using funds from the following, complete the Procurement Approval Request form:
- State-Only Program Contracts, or
- State Matching Program Contracts (where TDOT is not the direct recipient of federal funds)
- Submit the Form: After completing and submitting the form, the organization contact will receive an email confirming receipt of the purchase approval request.
- Review and Approval:
- TDOT Passenger Transportation Section staff will review the request for compliance.
- If the request meets all requirements, the organization contact will receive a purchase approval email.
- If the request is deficient, the organization contact will receive an email notification explaining the issue. A TDOT staff member will reach out to discuss what is needed to bring the request into compliance.
- Final Approval: Once the request is compliant, the organization contact will receive a purchase approval email.
Note: Submissions saved in-progress by the agency will be available for resumption for up to 30 days.