Procurement Planning
The Procurement Planning Table was created by the Office of Public Transportation to assist subrecipients with short and long-term procurement planning. The Table contains a tab for non-capital procurement planning, as well as a tab for asset procurement planning.
In the 5-Quarter Tab, sub-recipients will document non-capital procurements that are planned over the next five calendar quarters. The selection of five calendar quarters was selected to enable a full-year review during each current quarter. The table will address procurement compliance issues including non-splitting of procurement, equitable distribution among qualified suppliers, etc.
In the 3-Year Tab, the sub-recipient will document asset procurements planned for the next three years, items with a unit value of $5,000 or greater are required to be planned with this form. Small & Formal compliance issues addressed by this worksheet include: non-splitting, initiating necessity documentation, program designation for eligibility, etc.