Corridor Management Agreements
In March 2010, the State of Tennessee began participating in the National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices Policy Academy on Shaping a New Approach to Transportation and Land Use Planning. As a result of this program, Tennessee’s project management team, which consisted of TDOT, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), and the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD), developed objectives that would be best accomplished by exploring and advancing the concept of Corridor Management Agreements (CMA). CMAs would better coordinate transportation and land-use decisions along the state’s highway corridors.
Two pilot projects were selected – SR 60 in Bradley County (Region 2) and SR 109 in Sumner and Wilson Counties (Region 3). A series of workshops were established in which stakeholders developed and prioritized goals, strategies and actions that were considered the most critical to future development along both of the strategic corridors.
The Office of Community Transportation (OCT), functioning through TDOT's Long Range Planning Division, provides support for the committees and the committee meetings. Upon successful implementation of the two pilot projects, TDOT hopes to collaborate with other agencies to replicate corridor management agreements throughout the state.

The SR 60 CMA involves a partnership between Bradley County, the City of Cleveland, the Cleveland Urban Area Metropolitan Organization (MPO), TDOT and TDEC. The partnership states that the agencies will work collaboratively in the management of SR 60 between the Tennessee-Georgia state line and SR 306 (Eureka Road/Freewill Road).
The SR 60 CMA committee met in May, July, and September of 2013, and focused on the coordination with a TDOT project to widen a portion of SR 60 within the corridor.

The SR 109 CMA involves a partnership among five jurisdictions (Gallatin, Lebanon, Portland, Sumner County, and Wilson County), as well as TDOT, TDEC, and the Nashville Area MPO. Under this agreement, all parties would promote safe and efficient operation, enhance and sustain economic development and support environmental conservation along the corridor, which spans between I-65 and I-40.
The committee met in January, May, and October of 2013, and elected a Chairman (Sumner County Executive Anthony Holt), Vice-Chairman (Wilson County Mayor Randall Hutto) and Secretary (City of Portland Mayor Ken Wilber) that same year.
Corridor Management Goals for SR 109:
- Improve regional transportation for local residents, commuters and freight
- Promote economic development
- Preserve community character