Transportation Planning Grants
The Transportation Planning Grant (TPG) is intended to assist jurisdictions (both municipalities and counties) with transportation planning efforts that determine strategies to support improvements in traffic flow, safety, mobility, and overall efficiency of the transportation system. Since 2015, TDOT has awarded more than 90 planning grants across the state, many of which have resulted in implementation funding.
TDOT is pleased to announce the 2024 Transportation Planning Grant cycle. This cycle will open on January 2, 2024, and will close on January 19, 2024, at 4:30 pm CST. The maximum award amount is $200,000 and the local match is 10%. We will be offering a 0% local match to distressed and at-risk counties and communities within.
For an overview of the TPG program, please view our supplemental presentation.
Planning opportunities include, but are not limited to:
- Complete Streets Plans
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans
- Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Plans
- Corridor Studies
- Resurfacing and Striping Plans
- Community Mobility Plans
Please reach out to your regional OCT staff with any questions.
Athens Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan
Bedford County US-231 Corridor Study
Bristol West State Street Corridor Study
Cleveland Urban Collector and Corridor Plan for Michigan Avenue Road/Dry Valley Road
Dayton Community Mobility Plan
Decaturville (coming soon!)
Dechard Community Mobility Plan
Elizabethton (coming soon!)
Fayette County (coming soon!)
Franklin Transit Authority (coming soon!)
Gordonsville Community Mobility Plan
Jefferson City US 11-E Corridor Study
Kingsport (coming soon!)
Memphis (coming soon!)
Memphis (coming soon!)
Morgan County (coming soon!)
Nolensville (coming soon!)
Oak Ridge Airport Community Integration Study
Oakland Thoroughfare Master Plan
Putnam County Community Mobility Plan
Red Bank Community Mobility Plan
Rock Island Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Sullivan County Weaver Pike/SR-358 Corridor Study
Sweetwater US Highway 11/State Route 2 Main Street Mobility Plan
Thompson's Station (coming soon!)
Tullahoma Westside Drive/Cedar Lane Technical Report
Westmoreland Community Mobility Plan
Clarksville (coming soon!)
Cleveland Freewill Road/SR-306 Corridor Study
Jackson Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Master Plan
Jonesborough SR-354 Boones Creek Road Corridor Study
Kingsport Center Stage: A Vision for the East Center Street Corridor
Knoxville Classified Streets Project
Memphis (coming soon!)
Morristown SR-343 Complete Streets Plan
Sumner County (coming soon!)
Ashland City Community Mobility Plan
Athens Community Mobility Plan
Bolivar Highway 64 (SR-15) Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Byrdstown SR-111/SR-325 Corridor Study
Campbell County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Dickson Signal Timing Optimization Study
Dresden Complete Streets Plan: SR-22, Evergreen Street, Linden Street, & PIkeview Street
Dunlap Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Gainesboro Community Mobility Plan
Harriman Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Jamestown Complete Streets Plan
Kingston Springs SR-249 Corridor Study
Lafayette SR-10 Community Mobility Plan
McMinnville Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Munford Community Mobility Study
Newport Complete Streets Plan: West Broadway (US-25W) & Cobsy Highway (SR-32) Corridors
Pulaski Pedestrian & Bike Master Plan
Tracy City Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Tusculum Community Mobility Plan
Ashland City Community Mobility Plan
Athens Signal Timing & Operations Study Corridor 1: Congress Parkway (SR-2) and Decatur Pike (SR-30)
Chapel Hill (coming soon!)
Charlotte Community Mobility Plan for SR-47/48/49
Cookeville Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Dickson Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Elkton Community Transportation Mobility Plan
Greeneville Signal System Evaluation, Optimization, & Communications Master Plan
Henderson Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Manchester & Tullahoma Community Mobility Plan
Newport West Highway 25/70 Corridor Study
Paris Transportation Systems Management & Operations Study
Pigeon Forge Multimodal Corridor Study
Pikeville North Main Street Corridor Study
Savannah Transportation Systems Management & Operations Study
Sneedville SR-33/Main Street Complete Streets Plan
South Pittsburg Access & Traffic Flow Study
Chapel Hill Bicycle & Pedestrian Study
Ducktown Plan for Transportation-Based Tourism and US-64 Corridor Management
Gordonsville SR-53/141 Corridor Study
Hartsville Downtown Transportation Study
Lafayette SR-52 Corridor Study
Loretto Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
Crossville Traffic Flow & Downtown Pedestrian Mobility Study
Dandridge Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan
Halls Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan
Lewisburg Traffic Signal Timing Optimization Plan
Maynardville Highway Corridor Study
Savannah SR-69/128 Corridor Study
Waynesboro Dexter L. Woods Memorial Boulevard Corridor Study