Interstate 24 Multimodal Corridor Study
The I-24 Multimodal Corridor Study is complete and available online in the I-24 Corridor Study Library.

As identified in the Tennessee Long-Range Transportation Plan, known as PLAN Go, the strategic highway system includes routes the state considers critical to statewide mobility and regional connectivity. The transportation plan classified routes needing improvement, while protecting and maximizing capacity over the next decade. Interstate 24 is part of this system and classification.
Between 2012 and 2014, TDOT worked with Atkins North America, Inc. to complete the I-24 Multimodal Corridor Study, which identified short- and long-term solutions for improving problem spots along the entire corridor. The study also investigated a range of multimodal solutions to address future travel demands, with emphases on managing congestion, improving safety, maximizing the potential for freight diversion, and preserving/enhancing the corridor's economic benefits.
An additional feasibility study was conducted regarding a monorail system along I-24 for the Nashville/Murfreesboro area. That study is also available in the I-24 Corridor Study Library.
TDOT is dedicated to managing congestion and improving safety along the I-24 corridor. During the study, TDOT met with local officials and transportation planning groups, as well as the general public.
Two series of public meetings were held to provide a forum for open discussion about the future of I-24. The meetings were held in April 2013 and October 2013 in Clarksville, Nashville, and Chattanooga.
Both technical analysis and input from stakeholders and citizens were used to provide as much data as possible for the corridor study and to develop a list of proposed projects and strategies for the corridor.
The study area (pdf) for the I-24 Multimodal Corridor Study extends from the Kentucky state line to the Georgia state line, a distance of approximately 185 miles, including the I-24 segment located in Georgia.
The interactive map below highlights the I-24 Corridor. You may view areas surrounding I-24 by panning and zooming or typing in a point of interest in the search box.