TDOT Resources
Revised: August 30, 2022TDOT Resources
- ADA Questions and Answers - This document is intended to answer some of common question regarding ADA requirements. For more comprehensive information about specific requirements, please consult the 2010 ADA Standards, 2011 PROWAG, and the Departments technical publications.
- Review of ADA Detectable Warning Surface Color Memorandum - This requirement applies to all projects developed or funded by the department including local program projects that involves TDOT funding. To manage and respond to design exception/waiver requests effectively, the ADA Office conducted a comprehensive review regarding the use of Federal Yellow with detectable warning surfaces installed for visually impaired pedestrians.
- ADA Project Compliance Scenarios for Traffic Signal Projects - The following ADA project compliance scenarios for traffic signal projects are intended to provide supplemental design guidance to the Roadway Design Guidelines Instructional Bulletin 20-17 update regarding Chapter 3 (Multimodal Design).
- TDOT Pedestrian Accessibility Standards - TDOT Multimodal Standard Drawings
- Chapter 3 Section 4 - Accessible Pedestrian Travel - Pedestrian travel is a vital transportation mode. It is used at some point by everyone and is a critical link to everyday life for many. Designers must be aware of the various physical needs and abilities of pedestrians to ensure facilities provide universal access.
- TDOT Access Due-Diligence Checklist: Buildings - This checklist is intended for field personnel to use as a guide during project inspections to verify accessibility compliance. This checklist is NOT intended to be an all‐inclusive manual for designing or evaluating pedestrian facilities.
- TDOT Public Right of Way Standards Memo
- TDOT Access Due-Diligence Checklist: Public Rights-of-Way - This checklist is intended for field personnel to use as a guide during project inspections to verify accessibility compliance. This checklist is NOT intended to be an all‐inclusive manual for designing or evaluating pedestrian facilities.
- TDOT Tri-fold Pamphlet
- TDOT Disability Etiquette Document
- Sample Transition Plan (example - City of Gallatin, TN) - The City of Gallatin has undertaken a comprehensive evaluation of its PSAs to determine the extent that individuals with disabilities may be restricted in their access.
- Traffic Design Manual - This manual is prepared in conjunction with the TDOT Roadway Design Guidelines to aid in the development of construction plans involving traffic signals, roadway lighting, signs, pavement markings, and minor intersection improvements.
- TDOT Standard Specifications Book - 2021 Standard Specifications
- TDOT Roadway Design Standards - These guidelines establish uniform procedures for roadway design activities within the Tennessee Department of Transportation. The guidelines do not establish any legal or administration interpretations of the Department's contracts. In the event that the terms of a contract and this guide are in conflict, this guide is subordinate to the contract.
- TDOT Qualified Approved Products List (QPL) - The Research and Product Evaluation Section is responsible for the testing and evaluation of all new products proposed for use in Tennessee's highway program. In addition, this section also distributes information gained from testing and evaluating these products and maintains the Department's Qualified Products List.
- TDOT Work Zone Safety Mobility Manual - The Tennessee Department of Transportation’s policy is to plan, design, construct, maintain, and operate safe and efficient work zones. The control of all road users (as defined by the MUTCD, Section 1A.13) through a work zone is an essential part of highway construction, utility work, maintenance, and right-of-way use permits.
This Page Last Updated: July 10, 2024 at 9:06 AM