TDOT Logos

TDOT's TRADEMARKED images in our Photo Gallery are offered in both high-resolution and low-resolution downloads. These images are for use by professional journalists in preparing news reports and other publications. Check back for additions to this page, especially in the photo section. For assistance in obtaining images you may need but don't find here, contact

For PC Users: Right click the 'High Resolution' or 'Low Resolution' link under each image and select 'Save Target As...' or 'Save Link As...' .

For Mac Users: Hold down the CTRL button and click the 'High Resolution' or 'Low Resolution' link under the image you wish to download. Select 'Download Link to computer...'.

TDOT Logos

TDOT logo
TDOT logo
TDOT logo
TDOT Watermarks
TDOT logo
TDOT logo
State Seal Watermark