Tennessee Aviation System Plan (TASP)
TDOT Releases the 2019 Aviation Economic Impact Study
In August of 2019, our division entered into a contract with Kimley Horn to provide a Statewide Aviation System Plan and Aviation Economic Impact Study of Tennessee’s public-use airport system. The Economic Impact Study focuses on the economic benefit received during calendar year 2019. It is with great pride that we announce our state’s aviation system contributed $40 billion in total economic activity to the state's economy in 2019, representing associated tax revenues of $1.1 billion and supporting 220,936 jobs.

The Aviation Economic Impact Study - Executive Summary details the various impacts included in this year-long data collection effort. The study demonstrates that Tennessee's 78 public-use airports are critical components of the nation's and state's transportation networks, linking and providing access to regional, national, and global transportation systems. Having a well maintained and diverse aviation system supports a robust economy.

Work continues toward the completion of the Tennessee Aviation System Plan (TASP), a companion document to the Economic Impact Study. Additional information will be posted at TASP2040.com when available.