100 Years: List of Activities
The TDOT Centennial celebration began with a proclamation by Governor Bill Haslam on July 1, 2014, declaring a year-long commemoration which culminated in a big bash on July 1, 2015. You only turn 100 once, right?
Activities Included:
- Governor Proclamation
- Legislative Resolution
- TDOT Centennial (history) brochure
- TDOT Centennial (history) Website
- TDOT Centennial Videos
- TDOT Centennial Postcards
- TDOT Centennial Postmark (provided by the U.S. Postal Service on July 1, 2015)
- TDOT Centennial featured on 2015 State map cover
- TDOT History book - "Tennessee Department of Transportation: A Century of Achievement and Progress, 1915-2015"
- Exhibit at the Tennessee State Museum
- Mobile Exhibit featured at multiple locations statewide
- SR 1 commemorative signs marking Tennessee's first state route (also known as the Memphis to Bristol Hwy)
- Convoy to unveil SR 1 commemorative signs
- TDOT Centennial granite marker
- TDOT Centennial time capsule
- TDOT Centennial Bash (July 1, 2015) - official placement of marker and burial of time capsule, Bicentennial Mall, Capitol City