Dr. Sara Morrison Named Winner of 2022 "Friend of TOSS" Award from Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents
Friend of TOSS Award Announced at TOSS Awards Banquet
GATLINBURG –The Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents released the following statement
announcing Dr. Sara Morrison as the winner of the 2022 Friend of TOSS Award:
The Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents (TOSS) met in Gatlinburg, TN on September 18th, 2022, for their annual Awards Banquet, where the winner of the Friend of TOSS Award was announced. This year the honored award recipient was Dr. Sara Morrison, Executive Director of the Tennessee State Board of Education.
The Friend of TOSS Award is given for educational leadership in the support of public school students in
Dr. Sara Morrison joined the Tennessee State Board of Education as their Executive Director in January of 2015. In this role, she works with the eleven-member, governor appointed, legislatively confirmed, board on policy review and development across all areas of Tennessee K-12 Education. The State Board also plays an important role in oversights of K-12 implementation, which involves close partnership with the Department of Education, educator stakeholders, and members of the Tennessee General Assembly.
Dr. Morrison’s career in Tennessee started teaching high school English and coaching cross country in Brentwood, TN. She then went on to work as a policy analyst in the governor’s Office and served as the Assistant Commissioner of Teachers and Leaders at the Tennessee Department of Education, where she directed and oversaw policy implementation related to increasing teacher and leader effectiveness. During this time, Tennessee became the fastest improving state in the nation in student achievement.
Dr. Morrison worked closely with the TOSS Legislative Team throughout the 112th General Assembly to advocate on behalf of public education. Without her work, we would surely not be where we are today. While leading the Tennessee State Board of Education, she is also leading at home as a wife to Mark and a mother to three children, Charlie, Roscoe, and Virginia.
Dr. Dale Lynch, Executive Director of TOSS, said, “TOSS is so grateful for the leadership that Dr. Morrison provides in the field of education in Tennessee. Her tireless efforts to listen, learn, and advocate for Tennessee students cannot be overstated, and we look forward to continue working with her, and the entire of the State Board of Education.”
TOSS also presented the 2023 Tennessee Superintendent of the Year Award to Dr. Danny Weeks of Dickson County Schools and the George “Kip” Reel Award to Ms. Susie Benefield, of TOSS.
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