May 24, 2017 Conference Call Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
II. Statement of Necessity
III. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Approved High School Courses Policy 3.205
First reading of item to adopt a Tier II Mathematics Intervention course and a Tier II English Language Arts
Intervention course for high school that will follow component three of the Response to Instruction and
Intervention Framework.
B. Course Approval
First reading of item that presents course descriptions for the Tier II Mathematics Intervention course and
a Tier II English Language Arts Intervention course for high school.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. State Minimum Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2017-18
Final reading of an item that sets the state minimum salary schedule for licensed personnel.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3
B. Local Education Agency Alternative Salary Schedule
Final reading of an item to approve Johnson County Schools’ alternative salary schedule that uses
performance as a criteria for salary increases.
C. Allocation of State & Local Funds Rule 0520-14-01-.13
Final reading of an item to provide clarity around charter school funding and align the rule to legislation that
has been introduced by the Department of Education.
D. Strategic Compensation Policy 5.600
Final reading of an item to the policy outlines the guidelines and approval processes for both differentiated
pay plans and alternative schedules.
E. Standards for School Administered Child Care Programs, Rule 0520-12-01
Final reading of an item that presents revisions to the Standards for Child Care Centers and School-Age Child Care Programs Rule to correct recent changes presented at the January 2017 board meeting.
F. Special Education Program & Services Rule 0520-01-09
Final reading of an item to approve changes made by the Attorney General’s Office to the version of the rule
voted on by the Board in March.
V. Adjournment