February 1, 2013 Board Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from October 19, 2012.
II. Report Items
A. Report on Student, Teacher, and School Performance
Annual report as required by TCA § 49-1-302(a)13.
B. Report on Teacher Characteristics and Effectiveness
Report by the Tennessee Department of Education on teacher effectiveness related to student TVAAS performance. Report available here.
III. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Teacher Licensure Standards
First reading of technical corrections to teacher licensure standards in various career and technical endorsement areas.
B. Career and Technical Education Rule Updates
First reading of an update that aligns rules with adopted career clusters.
C. Work-Based Learning Guide of Policies and Procedures
First reading of updates to the 2007 Work-Based Learning Guide of Policies and Procedures.
D. Identification of the Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools Policy
First reading of definitions for Tier I and Tier II persistently lowest achieving schools.
E. Annual Measurable Objectives
First reading of annual goals for Tennessee pulic schools.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3
Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6
F. Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS)
First reading of updates and revisions to the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards.
G. Project COACH Conversion Scale
First reading of adjustments to the score scale of the Project COACH teacher evaluation model.
H. State Agency Evaluations
First reading of a policy amendment adding state agency schools to the current teacher evaluation policy.
I. Special Education Guidelines and Standards Regarding Evaluations for Specific Learning Disabilities
First reading of a policy that requires the use of Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) to determine eligibility to receive special education services. Attachment
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Transitional Licensure Policy
Final reading of a change in policy relative to Public Chapter 1072.
B. Distance and e-Learning Policy
Final reading of a change in policy allowing variance in class size for virtual classes.
C. Automatic Revocation, Rule
Final reading of a rule amendment adding sexual battery by an authority figure and statutory rape to the list of automatic revocation offenses.
D. Head Lice and Scabies Infestations, Rule
Final reading of rule compliance with the Tennessee Department of Health rules and Center for Disease Control guidelines on heal lice and scabies infestations.
E. Special Education Programs and Services, Rule
This item was removed from the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
F. Inventions and Innovations Curriculum Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for a new career-technical education course.
G. Technological Design Curriculum Standards & Policy Addition
Final reading of curriculum standards for a new career-technical education course.
H. Automotive Technology Curriculum Standards & Policy Change
Final reading of an update to the Automotive Technology curriculum standards.
I. Barbering Curriculum Standards & Policy Addition
Final reading of an update to the Barbering curriculum standards.
J. Medical Terminology Curriculum Standards & Policy Addition
Final reading of curriculum standards for a new career-technical education course.
K. State Board of Education Master Plan for 2012-2020
Final reading of the Master Plan for Tennessee public schools.
L. Graduation with Honors, State Honors, and State Distinction – Policy and Rule
Final reading of a rule and policy clarifying the differences between state and local graduation awards.
M. Professional Education Units and Specialty Area Licensure Programs
Final reading of recommendations for the approval of teacher education units at Carson-Newman College, Maryville College, South College, and Lane College.
V. Charter School Appeal Items
A. Global Leadership Academy, Findings and Recommendation
Final reading of the appeal by Global Leadership Academy to the State Board of Education.
B. Moving Ahead School of Scholars, Findings and Recommendation
Final reading of the appeal by Moving Ahead School of Scholars to the State Board of Education.
C. Cesar Chavez Elementary Charter School, Findings and Recommendation
Final reading of the appeal by Cesar Chavez Elementary Charter School to the State Board of Education.
A. Velinda G. Brown – Suspension, one (1) year, with contingency
B. Jeremy Envid – Revocation, concurrent
C. Derek Allen Freeman – Revocation
D. Stacy Lynn Hopkins – Revocation
E. Darrell A. Keen – Revocation
F. Yvette Lynch – Revocation
G. Patricia Rollins – Formal reprimand
H. Andrea Shelton – Revocation
I. Marvin Solomon – Formal reprimand
J. Ashley E. Tolbert – Revocation
V. Adjournment