August 16, 2013 Conference Call
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda (Note: this agenda was revised at the meeting by voice vote)
II. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Educator Licensure & Preparation Policies & Rules (Note: this item was divided into two parts at the meeting, the second part is continued in item II. E.)
Final reading of the policies and rules related to the licensing of professional educators including types of licenses, duration of licenses, and appeal processes.
Attachment 1: Professional Assessments (5.105)
B. Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policy 5.201
Final reading of amendments to processes, policies, and procedures relative to the evaluation of teachers and principals; adoption of a world languages portfolio, guidance for districts regarding evaluation flexibility, and an evaluation model for the Achievement School District.
Attachment 1: Policy 5.201
Attachment 2: World Language Growth Measures
Attachment 3: TEM Model Update
Attachment 4: ASD Evaluation Model
Attachment 5: ASD Evaluation Framework
C. Annual Measurable Objectives
Final reading of the performance targets for districts as measured in the State’s ESEA waiver.
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Attachment 6
D. 2013 List of State Identified Reward Schools
Final reading of the 2013 list of schools in the top 5% in terms of achievement gap closure and overall student learning performance.
E. Educator Licensure & Preparation Policies & Rules
Final reading of the policies and rules related to the licensing of professional educators including types of licenses, duration of licenses, and appeal processes.
Attachment 2: Educator Licensure (Rule 0520-02-03)
Attachment 3: Educator Licensure Policy (5.502)
Attachment 4: Review of License Renewal or Advancement Policy (5.503)
Attachment 5: Educator Preparation (Rule 0520-02-04)
Attachment 6: Presentation, Redesigning the Pathway to Teaching
III. Adjournment