April 21, 2017 Board Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from January 27, 2017 and March 16, 2017
II. Report Items
A. National Blue Ribbon Schools Recognition
Report on the 2016 Tennessee National Blue Ribbon Schools.
III. Action Items (First Reading)
A. High School Policy 2.103
First reading of amendments that clarify the requirements for summer school courses and End
of Course examinations.
B. Standards for School Administered Childcare Programs, Rule 0520-12-01
First reading of clarifications to the transportation section of the rule.
C. Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policy 5.201
First reading of State Board policy to outline student growth portfolio support.
D. Allocation of State and Local Funds Rule 0520-14-01-.03
First reading of updates to funding procedures for LEAs in the distribution of BEP funding to
charter schools.
E. Adult Education Rule 0520-01-02-.05
This item was removed from the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
F. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504
This item was moved to be a part of IV. H. at the beginning of the meeting.
G. Social Studies Standards
First reading of newly revised social studies standards. The standards are included for grades K-8,
the required high school courses, and the options for high school electives. These standards, if
approved, will be implemented in the 2019-2020 school year.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Uniform Grading Policy 3.301
Final reading of updates to the Uniform Grading Policy to include Cambridge International courses and
all early postsecondary opportunities including local dual credit and dual enrollment. This ensures all
opportunities that award high school students college credit will be able to be recognized and weighted
in the GPA formula. This prevents dis-incentivizing certain opportunities because they are not
recognized by the formula. There have been changes since first reading.
B. English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Policy 3.207
Final reading of changes to clarify the roles of Response to Intervention and Instruction (RTI2),
accommodations and modifications to ESL services, and lowers the staffing ratio for ESL classrooms.
There have been changes since first reading.
C. Migrant Education Student Records Policies and Procedures 4.210
Final reading of a proposal to delete this policy as requirements are now covered under ESSA, and in
Department guidance.There have been no changes since first reading.
D. School Counseling Model and Standards Policy 5.103
Final reading of policy updates to clarify the implementation timeline for recently adopted school
counseling standards, including an addition of a one-year phase-in. There have been changes since
first reading.
E. Approved High School Courses Policy 3.205
Final reading of an amendment to add new courses and revised course standards for courses within
the Advanced Manufacturing; Ag, Food & Natural Resources; Architecture & Construction, Arts,
Audio/Visual Technology, & Communication; Business Management & Administration, Education &
Training, and Distribution & Logics career clusters. An additional proposal includes a new statewide
dual credit course, Introduction to Sociology. Since first reading, minor changes have been made to
the policy to correct spelling and verbiage inconsistencies.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4a Attachment 4b
Attachment 5 Attachment 6a Attachment 6b Attachment 6c Attachment 6d
Attachment 6e Attachment 7a Attachment 7b Attachment 7c Attachment 7d
Attachment 7e Attachment 7f Attachment 8a Attachment 8b Attachment 8c
Attachment 8d Attachment 8e Attachment 8f Attachment 8g Attachment 8h
Attachment 9a Attachment 9b Attachment 10 Attachment 11a Attachment 11b
Attachment 12a Attachment 12b Attachment 12c Attachment 13 Attachment 14
F. Strategic Compensation Policy 5.600
This item was removed from the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
G. Public Records Policy 1.500
Final reading of a new policy that outlines the procedures and establishes necessary fees for State
Board responses to public records requests. There have been no changes since first reading.
H.a. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504 (This was originally shown as III. F. but moved here at the beginning
of the meeting.)
Final reading of a change to the approval status of programs based on interim review outcomes.
H.b. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504
Final reading of changes that finalize literacy standards for educator preparation and a technical
change to clarify post-baccalaureate requirements.
I. Recommendations for Professional Education Units and Licensure Programs
Final reading of recommendations for Johnson University, LeMoyne-Owen College, and the
University of Memphis and their specialty area programs.
A. William Haynes – Reinstatement
B. Mary Sims – Mary Sims was removed from the agenda when this item was presented
VI. Adjournment