Resources for Child Care Providers
The following links lead to helpful information for child care providers:
Click Here for the Child Care Licensing Rules Guidance Document
Training Opportunities - Initial and ongoing training opportunities are available to help child care professionals meet licensing requirements and become more successful in developing skills for working with children and families.
Developmental Milestones and Learning Standards
The Benefits of Developmental Monitoring and Screening for Young Children: English, Spanish, Somali, Arabic
Erin’s Law-Child Abuse Prevention Curricula
Personal Safety Curriculum Requirements
Childhood Obesity: The National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education released national standards for preventing childhood obesity. Information about these standards can be found at:
Resources for Directors and Educators
Welcome Packets for New Directors and Educators - To support you in your experience and professional development, we offer these packets as a reference for the tools, training, and resources that are available to you as an early childhood professional.
Background Check Information - All individuals working in licensed child care in Tennessee must submit to a criminal history background check through the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI).
Emergency Preparedness Law and Recommendations
Serious Injury Incident Report Form - All serious incident and injury reports should now be submitted through the eLicensing provider portal.
Early Childhood Expulsion and Suspension Policy Resources
Additional Information
For a parent/guardian receiving child care payment assistance, should you have a question, please contact the One DHS Contact Center at 1-833-772-TDHS (8347) or via the One DHS General Inquiry webform, by clicking here.
For information and training related to Child Care EAV Electronic Reporting -Reporting Child Care Attendance Online click here: Provider EAV and Modernization Information.
Child care providers should utilize the Child Care Fiscal Hotline for issues related to an EAV that has already been submitted and you have a question about the payment processing or a question about a note added to the EAV by Fiscal. That number is 1-800-362-8004.
Need to change child care agencies? A Child Care Center transfer may be requested through your One DHS Customer Portal account. Login to your account and navigate to the 'Benefits Dashboard' from the top menu. Scroll down to the 'My Cases' section and select 'Change Provider' to complete the form.