Transition Services

No later than turning 14 years old in Tennessee, the transition planning process begins for students across the state. In Stephen Covey’s book on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he states the second habit is to Begin with the End in Mind. The transition planning process allows students to do just that by identifying their strengths, interests, and preferences for life after high school, as well as their current needs, so that a roadmap and pathway can be developed to help them achieve those post-school goals.
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) plays a critical role in providing a coordinated set of transition services and activities to students with disabilities so they can be ready to embark on achieving their employment goals after high school. Through these transition services, students are better equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in the 21st century workforce. Click on the Tennessee Pre-ETS Guide and the following sections below to learn some of the ways Tennessee VR is partnering with local systems, community providers, families, etc., to provide early and ongoing transition services.

Virtual Pre-ETS: A Best Practice Guide
Vocational Rehabilitation and Transition Tennessee have partnered to create a Virtual Pre-ETS Best Practice Guide. As we continue to navigate the unprecedented times that a global pandemic has brought upon us, Tennessee (VR) has diligently sought guidance on how to continue to provide high-quality Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) with the unique challenges we now encounter. This Best Practice Guide is simply that. This guide is not meant to provide a definitive solution to every situation that will be encountered, but rather provide general strategies, techniques, tips, and resources for providing Pre-ETS.