State Rehabilitation Council (SRC)
Serving all citizens of Tennessee, the mission of the State Rehabilitation Council of Tennessee is to advise, evaluate and partner with the public vocational rehabilitation program in support of improving access to employment and promoting a diverse workforce statewide.
The State Rehabilitation Council of Tennessee envisions a statewide workforce that values disability and diversity and is committed to full participation of its citizens.
The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) works in partnership with the Department of Human Services' Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) to maximize employment and independent living for Tennesseans with disabilities. The SRC advocates for the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program as well as advises DRS on issues facing consumers of the VR program. The SRC acts as the voice of the consumer and other stakeholders in the VR program.
Meetings and Public Hearings
The SRC meets at least four times per year. Meetings are open to the public, with the exception of executive meetings, and are accessible to individuals with disabilities. The SRC may also conduct forums and hearings when needed (CFR Title 34 Part 361.17(j)).
2025 Meeting Dates: March 27, 2025 | June 12, 2025 | Aug. 28, 2025 | Nov 13, 2025
To request meeting accommodations please contact:
Angie Campbell, Administrative Assistant | Division of Rehabilitation Services/Vocational Rehabilitation
James K. Polk Building 505 Deaderick St 15th Floor Nashville, TN 37243
p. 615-741-2145
Please contact the SRC by email at if you would like to speak to the SRC during the public comment timeframe on the agenda. Your request must be submitted at least 48 hours before the public meeting and comments can be time-limited.
Public Hearings
There are no Public Hearings or Comments to list at this time.
Become a Member
If you are a person with a disability or someone interested in having input regarding employment services to individuals with disabilities, the State Rehabilitation Council of Tennessee may be for you. To learn more about the role and responsibilities of the SRC and the application process, click here. You may access the Board and Commission application here. Please return your completed application and resume to the SRC and/or seek additional information at
Council Members
Council members are appointed by the Governor. When making appointments, the Governor must consider individuals representing a broad range of individuals with disabilities and organizations interested in individuals with disabilities (Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 34 Part 361.17(a)). The Governor, to the extent possible, must consider that minority populations are represented on the council. The majority of members must be individuals with disabilities not employed by DRS (CFR Title 34 Part 361.17(c)).
Josh Harper
Current or Former VR Applicant or Recipient
From: Nashville
Tennessee Region: Middle
Vice Chair
Tyler Samuel
Representative of Disability Group
From: Nashville
Tennessee Region: Middle
Tyler Samuel (until a new secretary is elected)
Representative of Disability Group
From: Nashville
Tennessee Region: Middle
Immediate Past Chair
Rhonda Crenshaw
State Independent Living Council (SILC)
From: Cordova
Tennessee Region: West

From Left to right: (bottom row) Kamekio Lewis, Rebecca Bordenet-French, Tyler Samuels, Nathan Walsh, Julie Johnson (top row) Tiffany Ramsey, Alicia Cone, Jason Fox, Josh Harper, Christina Clift, Rhonda Crenshaw, Troy Allen
Brian Stewart |
Vacant |
Craig Lemak |
Kelly Sorrell |
Josh Harper |
Alicia Cone |
Tyler Samuel |
Catherine Bledsoe |
Rhonda Crenshaw |
Keith Tackett |
Vacant |
Troy Allen |
Vacant |
Tiffany Ramsey |
Vacant |
Lisa Gosnell |
Vacant |
Kamekio Lewis |
Annual Report
Every year, the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) prepares and submits to the Governor and Secretary a report on the status of vocational rehabilitation (VR) programs in the state. The report is made available to the public. The Annual Report highlights the goals and achievements of the VR program. It also contains the Councils accomplishments for the year, as well as statistics and success stories. The Report is submitted in December, no more than 90 days after the fiscal year ends (September 30) (Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 34 Part 361.17(h)(5)).
State Plans
The State Plan is the contract between the Federal Government Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and the State of Tennessee. The plan is necessary to receive federal funds for the vocational rehabilitation (VR) program (Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 34 Part 361.2). The Plan describes how the VR services will be provided in accordance to laws and regulations. It essentially acts as the blueprint for the State’s VR program.
The Plan contains the model for achieving goals and priorities and is used to evaluate the State’s performance over time. The goals and priorities are created by the results of the needs assessment, performance on program standards and indicators (indicated in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (link to Rehabilitation_Act, Title I, Section 106), results of consumer satisfaction surveys, and input from State Plan meetings and hearings. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title I, Section 101(a) and CFR Title 34 Part 361.29 layout the requirements of the State Plan.
State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) Responsibility – Attachment 4.2(c)
The SRC is responsible for Attachment 4.2(c) of the State Plan (CFR Title 34 Part 361.16(b)(2)(C)(v)). Attachment 4.2(c) contains recommendations from the annual report, review and analysis of consumer satisfaction, other council reports, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) responses to the comments and recommendations, and explanations for DRS’s rejection of input or recommendations.
Client Assistance Program - helps individuals who have concerns or difficulties when applying for or receiving rehabilitation services funded under the Rehabilitation Act.
Code of Federal Regulations - The US Government Printing Office contains the Code of Federal Regulations. Title 34 Part 361 refers to the SRC.
National Coalition of State Rehabilitation Councils (NCSRC) – on behalf of people with disabilities, the NCSRC advocates for and works in partnership with the national public vocational rehabilitation system’s continual quest for excellence.
National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) – the Nation's most established and respected membership association for rehabilitation professionals. NRA members work to eliminate barriers and increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - contains all articles of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Title I covers the VR program and SRC.
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) – contains information about the federal Rehabilitation Services Administration and includes various reports and VR statistics for each State (includes the State Plans).
Contact Us
Division of Rehabilitation Services
James K. Polk Building, 15th Floor
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN 37243-1403
Tiffany Ramsey - Director, Vocational Rehabilitation Services
SRC Email: