About APS

Why We Do What We Do:
We believe that all adults should be safe, valued, heard, and treated with dignity
How We Do It:
By being trustworthy, resourceful, and effective
Always follow through on actions we say we will do.
Don't stop at roadblaocks, go around them.
Create change in the life of a vulnerable adult that frees them from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Centralized Intake
The Intake unit, which is based in Davidson County, receives all reports made to APS. There are three (3) intake units which provide coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Intake receives reports by phone, email, and via the online report site. Intake Counselors are trained to take reports and screen them based on established criteria.
There are sixteen (16) investigative units, each containing four (4) to six (6) Investigative Specialists and one Team Coordinator. Investigative units are clustered into regions which are supervised by a Regional Supervisor. There are four regions: West, Middle, Southeast, and East. Investigative Specialists conduct investigations regarding allegations of abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation in accordance with established policy and law. Investigative Specialists also make service referrals, when appropriate, to ensure clients receive needed assistance. Investigative Specialists also provide community education through presentations and information booths at community events.
Rapid Response Team
The Rapid Response Team (RRT) provides support to staff by offering the following services:
- Case coverage in counties in which there is insufficient coverage due to staff leave/vacancy or a high volume of reports.
- Provide backup to the intake unit as needed.
- Coverage for specialized cases that are sensitive, high profile, conflicts of interest, or that may need additional staff involvement (i.e., those with multiple victims and/or alleged perpetrators.)
- Conducting approved community presentations.
- Coaching and mentoring services to staff.
- Twenty-four (24) hour coverage for matters that cannot be resolved by intake.
State Office
State office is comprised of both management and support staff for all APS employees. State office management focuses primarily on program policy, data collection/reporting, internal technical support, research, and interagency collaboration.