Merit Award Program
The Tennessee Historical Commission’s award program began in 1975. For over forty years, Certificates of Merit have been presented annually to individuals, groups, agencies, or organizations that have made significant contributions to the study and preservation of Tennessee’s heritage during the twelve months prior to the application deadline.
This awards program offers the public an opportunity to give thanks and recognition to those who are working to revitalize Tennessee’s historic places. The Merit Awards program also highlights people and organizations for the work they do in the areas of publication, commemoration, and education regarding our state’s unique history and heritage.
Award recipients are honored each year in May.
Applications are available here. Application deadline is December 31st of each year.
Criteria for award selection is available here.
Completed applications and questions concerning the award program may be addressed to

Celebrating Merit Awards: Graham Perry presents a Certificate of Merit to Emily Williams for her Eagle Scout Project: mapping and documenting the Brewer’s Chapel Cemetery in Chapmansboro.