Tennessee Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
The Tennessee Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is an ongoing survey of mothers who have recently given birth. PRAMS was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Reproductive Health in an effort to reduce infant mortality and low birth weight.
Beginning in 2006, Tennessee partnered with the CDC with the goal of improving the health of mothers and infants by reducing adverse pregnancy outcomes such as low birth weight, infant morbidity and mortality, and increasing positive birth outcomes in Tennessee.
Why is PRAMS Important?
PRAMS objectives:
- To collect and conduct comprehensive analyses of population-based data on maternal experiences, attitudes and behaviors before, during and after birth
- To translate results from analyses into useable information for planning, monitoring and evaluating public health programs and policy
- To build a state capacity to address relevant maternal and infant health issues
How is Data Collected?
A PRAMS questionnaire is mailed to approximately 110 new Tennessee mothers each month. Mothers are randomly selected from the birth certificates of recently born infants. The mother will receive a PRAMS package between two and four months after giving birth. The first three attempts to obtain the survey are by mail. If there is no response to the repeated mailing, mothers are then contacted by telephone.
The questionnaire includes questions asked by PRAMS programs in all states (core), as well as Tennessee-specific questions. All questions were developed and researched by the CDC to identify relevant topics and issues. The PRAMS questionnaire addresses priority maternal and child health issues such as unintended pregnancy, breastfeeding, smoking and alcohol use, insurance coverage, contraception use, post-partum depression and intimate partner violence. Tennessee-specific questions are selected by the PRAMS Program in partnership with the Tennessee PRAMS Steering Committee, and other Department of Health program staff and local community stakeholders.
For More Information
To learn more about Tennessee PRAMS, please contact: tnprams.health@tn.gov
To learn more about the national PRAMS program: https://www.cdc.gov/prams/