National HIV Behavioral Surveillance
National HIV Behavioral Surveillance – Memphis

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance or NHBS system in 2003 to understand HIV risk behaviors and prevention programs among groups at risk for HIV infection. Over 20 US metropolitan statistical areas, including Memphis, Tennessee, take part in NHBS every year.
Each year or “cycle”, NHBS activities focus on one of three populations: men who have sex with men (“MSM”), heterosexually-active adults (“HET”) and people who inject drugs (“IDU”). A single cycle is repeated every three years. A standardized, anonymous questionnaire is used to collect information on HIV-related topics. HIV testing is offered to all participants.
For more general information on NHBS, please visit the CDC website.
Memphis’ project is known locally as TRUST Memphis. The Memphis MSA includes eight counties in three states: Shelby, Tipton and Fayette Counties in Tennessee; Tunica, Tate, DeSoto and Marshall Counties in Mississippi; and Crittenden County in Arkansas. NHBS has been continually operating in Memphis since 2016.
Memphis NHBS data reports:
. TDH Statewide 2022 NHBS presentation
· NHBS Memphis 2016-2018 Report.pdf
. NHBS Memphis HET 2019 Fact Sheet.pdf
· NHBS Memphis IDU 2018 Fact Sheet.pdf
· NHBS Memphis MSM 2017 Fact Sheet.pdf
· From CDC - NHBS Memphis IDU5 Fact Sheet.pdf
· From CDC - NHBS Memphis MSM5 Fact Sheet.pdf
· From CDC - NHBS Memphis HET4 Fact Sheet.pdf
· National Sexual Health Conference Memphis MSM 2017 Poster.pdf
· Memphis HET4, MSM5, IDU5 Summary Slides.pdf
For more national NHBS data reports, please visit the NHBS report webpage.