Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse

The Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) is committed to maintaining a highly ethical environment and eliminating any misuse of taxpayer money. TDH's Compliance Office provides reporting mechanisms and investigative services to detect and pursue acts of fraud, waste, or abuse by employees, vendors, contractors, consultants, and grant recipients.
Suspected fraud, waste, or abuse of TDOH resources can be reported by phone or online. Examples of reportable incidents include, but are not limited to:
♦ Theft of Money/Equipment/Services
♦ Fraud or Misuse of Grant Funds
♦ Personal Use of TDH Assets
♦ Corruption or Official Misconduct
♦ Personal Business on TDH Time
♦ Payroll Fraud
♦ Waste or Abuse of TDH Resources
♦ Purchasing Fraud
♦ Falsification of Documents or Reports
♦ Accepting or Soliciting Bribes