Built Environment Funding Opportunities

Grant Applications Due Soon


T-Mobile Hometown Grant Program
Deadline: December 31, 2024

Funding to support community projects in small towns (populations of 50,000 or less) across America. Recipients are selected and awarded on a quarterly basis with grants awards up to $50,000 per municipality. Selected winners will provide status updates on their projects at 6 and 12 months and all granted projects must be able to be executed within 12 months of receiving funds. Read more here.


Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program
Deadline: January 10, 2025

On an annual basis, USDA awards competitive Farm to School grants that support planning, developing, and implementing farm to school programs. This year, they are split into three different grants: Implementation Grants, State Agency Grants, and Turnkey Grants. Read more here.


Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF), the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), and the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
Deadline: January 14, 2025

These grants managed by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation provide funds for parks, greenways, trails, and recreational funds. You can learn more about them at the TDEC website. Read more here.


Rural Healthcare Resiliency Program
Deadline: January 24, 2025

Opened to the 89 rural counties in Tennessee, this grant is designed to improve the health of rural Tennesseans. Purposely left very open, this grant can fund a wide variety of health-promoting projects, including those that are built environment such as greenways or community gardens. The State will offer 15 to 25 grants for a total of $50,000,000. The number and amount of grants awarded will depend on the number and budgets of the Applications received. Read more here.


Asphalt Art
Deadline: January 25, 2025

The Asphalt Art Initiative grant program funds visual art on roadways, pedestrian spaces, and public infrastructure in cities. Its goals include improving street and pedestrian safety, revitalizing and activating underutilized public space, promoting collaboration, and civic engagement in local communities. The current round of the Asphalt Art Initiative grant application is open to cities with populations of 50,000 or more and can provide up to $100,000.  Read more here.


Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program
Deadline: January 30, 2025

The Asphalt Art Initiative grant program funds visual art on roadways, pedestrian spaces, and public infrastructure in cities. Its goals include improving street and pedestrian safety, revitalizing and activating underutilized public space, promoting collaboration, and civic engagement in local communities. The current round of the Asphalt Art Initiative grant application is open to cities with populations of 50,000 or more and can provide up to $100,000.  Read more here.


Built Environment Funding Opportunities from Various Organizations

This section lists funding opportunities that have been available in the past so you can check to see if they may offer more funding in the future. 

Grant Name Agency Who Can Apply Brief Description
Community Transportation Plannng Grant TDOT Cities, towns, and counties outside of MPO's Community mobility plans, corridor studies, multi-modal studies, major street plans, etc.
Multi-Modal Access Grants TDOT Cities and counties Multi-modal infrastructure improvements along state routes
Surface Transportation Block Grant TDOT automatically granted to municipalities >5,000 Transportation system improvements
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) TDOT Local governments Main funding source for general pedestrian and bicyling infrastructure projects
People for Bikes grants People for Bikes Local governments (or govrnment agencies working locally) and non-profits Making your community bike friendly, broad grants
Recreational Trails Programs (RTPs) TDEC Local, state, and federal land managing organizations, 501c3's with written agreements for a trail management agency Land acquisition for trails, trail maintenance, trail construction, trail rehavilitation and for trailhead support facilities
Jeff Roth Cycling Foundation grants Jeff Roth Cycling Foundation bike-supporting non-profits Making your community bike frindly - must go towards a specific projct or program
Community Development Block Grants TNECD for HUD cities, counties,  Providing essential, pressing community development needs in underserved areas. Can go towards community livability projects.
America Walks Community Chnage Grants America Walks Non-profits, local governments Improving community walkability---eligible for program, policy, or environmental projects
AAA Traffic Safety Grant AAA tax-exempt organizations improving traffic safety for all road users through activities, programs and training
Trail Fund American Trails "Tax-exempt organizations under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 501(c)(7), including public charities as described in IRC 509(a)(1)-(4) and 170(b)-(c). Federal, State, regional, and local government units, school districts, and tribes" "These grants are for work on motorized or nonmotorized trails/project that are open to the public anywhere in the United States. We will focus our funding on state and local lands, and Federal lands will be accepted. "
Bloomberg Initiative for Cycling Infrastructure BICI Cities

"Led in partnership with the Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI), BICI will: Fund ambitious cycling infrastructure projects by providing grants of $400k USD to $1M USD; Refine project plans by connecting winning cities with world-class technical assistance from GDCI; Implement projects and track progress by training city leaders on data collection, resident engagement and other industry best practices; Connect cities with a global network of peers."

Grant Name Agency Who Can Apply? Brief Description
Local Parks and Recreation Funds (LPRFs) TDEC city and county governments Land acquisition, indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, trail development
Creative Placemaking TN Arts Commission local governments, quasi-governmental entities, 501c3s / public-private partnerships; public placeq Art that makes places more inviting
Arts Build Communities TN Arts Commission local governments, 501c3, higher ed if benefits public / open to and benefits the public. Getting art to happen in our communities - programs, events, art in public places
Commit to Health NPRA, the Walmart Foundation Applicants must: be a local government agency, serve meals/snacks through SFSP and/or the CACFP or NSLP in 2018 (USDA programs), have not received funding from NPRA for a previous healthy out-of-school time grant Increasing healthy meals served to children, improving nutrition literacy in kids, and implementing HEPA standards
Tourism Enhancement Grant TN Department of Tourist Development city or county governments / one application per county; must have former grants closed out; can split between multiple places as long as it tells a cohesive story Developing and improving tourism assets for tourism-related economic impact...can't be for something completely new, but can build on what you have
Kaboom Kaboom! Most groups Playgrounds
Play Space National Parks and Recreation Association and Disney Local Parks and Recreation Agencies Inclusive play spaces
The Explore Fund The North Face 501c3s Increasing participation in the outdoors and working in innovative ways to protect the environment
Acres for America National Fish & Wildlife Foundation 501c3s, state and local governments, Native American tribes, and educational institutions Providing access for people to enjoy the outdoors; and, ensure the future of local economies that depend on forestry, ranching and recreation
BlueCross Healthy Places BCBSTN Government entities and non-profit organizations with experience implementing large-scale civic projects Making active, healthy public spaces (likely parks) / can't go towards purchasing land, staffing pay, or co-branded projects
2019 NEEF Health and Natural Environment Grant National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) 501c3s with an existing connection to Forest Service agencies Mobilizing a diverse community of volunteers, primarily youth and hispanic families, and educating participants about how protecting the long-term sustainability of their local public lands greatly benefits people's health
KEEN Effect Grants KEEN 501c3s Inspiring youth outdoor participation and engaging diverse audiences through innovative and creative approaches.
Climbing Conservation Grant Program Access Fund nearly anyone (even individuals) Preserving or enhancing climbing access and opportunities and conserving the climbing environment
Cornerstone Conservation Grant American Alpine Club, REI and Clif Bar Foundation Partners of members of local climbing community  creates healthy climbing landscapes, promotes respect for places people climb, and empowers local climbing communities
Challenge America National Endowment for the Arts 501c3s, local or state government units Supporting small and mid-sized organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populaitons
TN Disability Coalition Small Grants TN Disability Coalition 501c3s and government entities build capacity in the disability community to serve individuals with disabilities and their families. Can go towards infrastructure.
BOGS Impact Fund BOGS 501c3s outdoor education opportunities for low income and underserved communities
Levitt AMP [Your City] Music Series Grants Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation 501c3s Funding 10 free outdoor concerts that are musically diverse and of high-caliber talent. Technical assistance provided. Good projects will help revitalize an underutilized public space.
Our Town National Endowment for the Arts 501c3s, local governments Creative placemaking grants program for projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, and/or social outcomes.
AARP Community Challenge AARP 501c3s, 501c6s, Government Entities, other types of organizations considered on case-by-case basis Quick-action projects across the country, helping communities make immediate improvements and jumpstart long-term progress to support residents of all ages.
POWER Initiative Appalachian Regional Commission Local development districts, Native American tribes, local governments, higher education institutions, public or private non-profits Helps communities and regions that have been affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain industries
Pool Safely Consumer Product Safety Commission State and Local Governments Assistance to help implement enforcement and education programs, with the goal of preventing drownings and drain entrapments in pools and spas.
GameTime Cares Playground Grants GameTime Communities 100% matching funds for playground equipment
Hope VI Main Street Program U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Local Governments Provides grants to small communities to assist in the renovation of an historic or traditional central business district or “Main Street” area by replacing unused, obsolete, commercial space in buildings with affordable housing units
Gardens for Good Nature's Path   Up to $5,000 for community garden projects. 
Love your Block Grant Johns Hopkins University U.S. Cities with a population of at least 30,000 "connects mayor’s offices with community residents to revitalize their neighborhoods one block at a time...From turning vacant lots into community gardens to helping elderly neighbors with home repairs to avoid fines and safely age in place."
Grant Name Agency Who Can Apply? Brief Description
Fuel up to play 60 NFL and National Dairy Council Schools Nutrition and Physical activity improvements.  Examples: signage and paint for walking tracks, equipment for lunchrooms, visits to farms, water bottles, GoNoodle, etc.
Donors Choose individuals Teachers Teachers' equipment and funding for programs
School Breakfast Grant Program Action for Healthy Kids Schools Starting or expanding school breakfast participation
Game on Grants Action for Healthy Kids Schools For schools to improve or introduce new nutrition and physical activity programs
Good Sports Grants Good Sports Schools and 501c3s Sports Equipment for underserved children
Tobacco-Free Generation Campus Initiative American Cancer Society Colleges and Universities Accelerate and expands the adoption and implementation of 100% smoke- and tobacco-free policies on college and university campuses. Grants ranging from $8,000 to $20,000 
Grant Name Agency Who can Apply? Brief Description
Safe Routes to Parks Activating Communities Program Safe Routes Partnership Community based non-profits Developing an action plan and executing it to deliver safe non-car routes to parks
Walking College America Walks Anyone Developing walking and walkable community advocates
10-Minute Walk Planning Grant and Technical Assistance NRPA local government agencies operating parks OR affiliated 501c3s Grants and technical assistance to support planning efforts that help cities increase access to high-quality parks within a 10-minute walk
Grant Name Agency Who Can Apply? Brief Description
Farmers Market Promotion Program USDA all organizations involved in getting food directly from producers to consumers Improving taking goods directly from farmers to market
Local Food Promotion Program USDA supporters of local and regional food business enterprises Planning or implementing new local and regional food business enterprises
Healthy Food Financing Initiative USDA SNAP processing staple and perishable food retailers in underserved areas providing healthy food retail options in underserved areas
Farm to School USDA school districts, state and local agencies, tribal organizations, agricultural producers, and non-profit organizations Designed to improve access to local foods in eligible schools
Community Food Projects (CFP) Competitive Grants Program USDA Public food program service providers, tribal organizations or private nonprofit entities To create community-based food projects and to plan for improving community food security
Gro More Good Grassroots KidsGardening Non-profits, tax-exempt organizations, schools Development of new and expansion of existing youth garden programs with sustainability plans
Youth Garden Grant KidsGardening Non-profits, public or private schools, youth programs School or youth community gardens and gardening programs that enhance the quality of life for students and their communities
Safer School Garden Grant Safer Brand Students on behalf of their schools School garden development
High Obesity Program CDC Land grant universities work with community extension services to increase access to healthier foods and safe and accessible places for physical activity in counties that have more than 40% of adults with obesity.
Garden Grant Program Whole Kids Foundation School systems or non-profits Edible, educational school/youth gardens
Improving Senior (age 50+) Food Security AARP Foundation Most entities Evidence-based projects to improve food security among older adults
2021Budding Botanist Grant KidsGardening Public, private or charter schools from which 40%+ of kids would qualify for free and reduced lunch helping kids learn about plants, explore their world and inspire them to take care of the life they discover in their local ecosystems
The Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program USDA government agencies and non-profits Supports projects to increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables among low-income consumers participating in SNAP by providing incentives at the point of purchase.
Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program USDA State agricultural experiment stations; colleges and universities; university research foundations; other research institutions and organizations; Federal agencies; national laboratories; private organizations, foundations, or corporations; individuals; or any group consisting of 2 or more entities described in this paragraph "The purpose of the Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program is to increase the knowledge of agricultural science and improve the nutritional health of children. The program’s goal is to increase the capacity for food, garden, and nutrition education within host organizations or entities, such as school cafeterias and classrooms, while fostering higher levels of community engagement between farms and school systems by bringing together stakeholders from distinct parts of the food system. The initiative is part of a broader effort to not only increase access to school meals for low-income children, but also to dramatically improve their quality."
Healthy Meals Incentive USDA For profit organizations other than small businesses;
Public, State controlled, and private institutions of higher education; Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
"USDA's Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has established the Healthy Meals Incentives Initiative to improve the nutritional quality of school meals through food systems transformation, school food authority recognition and technical assistance, the generation and sharing of innovative ideas and tested practices, and grants."
Grant Name Agency Who Can Apply Brief Description
Innovations in Accessibility Grant Funding Opportunity Advancing States Local and regional private nonprofit or government organizations that directly provide transportation services Provides up to $30,000 support develop program innovations for increasing accessible transportation in the community that are ready to implement on Day 1 
TDOT Rural Planning Initiative (Contact your RPO) TDOT TN Counties and Municipalities in at-risk or distressed counties located outside an MPO boundary  Fund corridor studies, access management studies, road diet analysis, resurfacing and striping plans for local roads, transportation facility inventories, transportation feasibility studies, and all CTPG eligible planning documents 
Community Rides Grants National RTAP Current recipients and subrecipients of the FTA's Forumula Grans for Rural Areas Program Eligible applicants can "apply for grant awards of up to $100,000 for projects that develop or strengthen transportation partnerships that improve social determinants of health in rural and tribal communities."
Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning Federal Transit Administration communities to integrate land use and transportation planning in new fixed guideway and core capacity transit project corridors. 
Community Mobility Design Challenge National Center for Mobility Management Government Agencies and Non-Profits "support communities in seeking innovative ways to address the personal well-being of community members that face transportation barriers to health care access, economic opportunity, healthy food, or community and peer support opportunities"
CMAQ TDOT   Funds bike/ped projects that reduce congestion and improve air quality.  Typically greenway projects.
SS4A (Safe Streets and Roads or All) FHWA
  • Metropolitan planning organizations;
  • Counties, cities, towns, and transit agencies or other special districts that are subdivisions of a State; Federally recognized Tribal governments; and Multijurisdictional groups comprised of the above entities.
Discretionary program to fund grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. 
Grant Name Agency Who Can Apply Brief Description
Global Ideas for U.S. Solutions: Cities Taking Action to Address Health, Equity, and Climate Change Robert Wood Johnson Foundation organizations from a wide range of fields and disciplines—both within and outside the health/public health sector Funds proposals that stimulate action in U.S. cities around smart, effective approaches from abroad that mitigate the unequal health risks posed by climate change. Specifically, they seek proposals that explore changes in city planning, policies, and programs that address: buildings and energy; land use and urban planning; transportation; waste; food systems and food security; and air quality.
Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant HUD Housing authorities, non-profits, local governments, others Up to $450,000 to develop a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy for public and/or assisted housing. 
Community Tree Planting Program TDA Local governments, private non-profits, educational institutions Funds to plant trees in riparian areas. 
Meharry-Vanderbilt Community-Engaged Research Core Mini Grants Meharry-Vanderbilt Community and Academic Partners Activities that promote on-going, mutually beneficial, health-oriented research partnerships between community organizations and academic researchers. Applicants may propose a community-engaged research project or a capacity building project that enables the partners to pursue an identified research agenda.
Advancing Environmental Justice Through Technical Assistance Mini Grants American Public Health Association 501c3 Non-profit organizations A grant and technical assistance program to help community-based organizations work to advance environmental justice.
Conservation Alliance Grants KEEN   "The Conservation Alliance seeks to protect threatened wild places throughout North America for their habitat and recreational values. "
Tire Environmental Act Program TDEC Local governments, non-profits, and for-profit entities  Between $10,000 to $750,000 for recycling, re-using, or researching ways to upcycle discarded tires.  One of the uses for these tires is to create non-pourous paving surfaces to sidewalks and playgrounds!
Building Resilience Against Climate Effects: Implementing and Evaluating Adaptation Strategies that Protect and Promote Human Health CDC    
Creating Homes Initiative 2.0 TDMHSAS Non-profits Develop and expand the number of safe, affordable and quality permanent housing options for Tennesseans living with substance use disorder, in particular opioid use disorder.
Creating Affordable Housing TDMHSAS Non-profits Develop new safe, quality, and affordable permanent housing options for people experiencing mental illness, substance use disorders (including opioid use disorder) and/or cooccurring disorder.

Other Funding Resource Compilations

For comments or suggestions, please email shannon.velasquez@tn.gov.