Board of Medical Examiners
Continuing Education
Medical Board failure to abtain required CE Policy
Earning CME Credits for your ACGME Residency or Fellowship Training Program
Failure to comply with continuing education requirements may result in disciplinary action against the licensee or registrant. The disciplinary action will be reported on the Department of Health license verification web site.
All licensees are required to renew their license every two years. The renewal cycle is set up whereby everyone renews in their birth month. The year they renew depends on whether they were born in an even or odd year. Thus the renewal of their professional license is set up in their birth month every two years.
When renewing, the document that is signed states the licensee has fulfilled all the requirements for renewal. That means no continuing education documentation is to be mailed in with the renewal and that the licensee attests to having obtained the required continuing education. The only time continuing education is to be mailed in is when an official audit is conducted and the licensee receives notice from this office requiring submission of the documentation.
The Board may waive or otherwise modify the requirements in cases where there is retirement, or an illness, disability or other undue hardship that prevents a licensee from obtaining the requisite number of continuing education hours. Requests for waivers or modification must be sent in writing to the Administrative Office prior to the expiration of the renewal period in which the continuing education is due. *This request must be received by our office, in writing, prior to your licensure expiration date and prior to renewing your license*
The Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners Partners with CE Broker
At this time, it is not required that licensees register for an account but the board is encouraging licensees utilize this as a tool to assist in the tracking of the required continuing education. CE Broker is the official tracking system for the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners. The Board has provided you with a free Basic Account, so you'll have their helpful CE tracking tools right at your fingertips.

Free Access
Within the free Basic Account, you will have access to your Course History and CE Compliance Status. This lists all of the courses which have been reported thus far and indicates whether or not you have satisfied your renewal requirements. From here, you may easily find and report any CE that might be missing. CE Broker is 100% free to use and you will never have to pay to access all of the necessary tools to renew your license!
- If you already have a CE Broker account, follow these simple steps to add your Tennessee license.
Comprehensive Course Search
One of the best free tools CE Broker provides is the Course Search. You can easily find every course needed to successfully complete your license renewal, with just a few clicks! After you are finished with each course, educational providers will report the credits directly into CE Broker for you - but you should always retain a copy of the certificates for your records. To find courses, visit and select your profession.
Helpful Support Center
CE Broker’s support center is based in Jacksonville, FL and staffed with experts who have been thoroughly trained on the rules & regulations for the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners. Open 8AM- 8PM ET, Monday through Friday, you can reach them by phone at 877-434-6323, or via email and live chat. For additional information and helpful guides, please visit:
Upgraded Account Options
You can also subscribe to the Professional or Concierge Account, which offers above-and-beyond CE tracking tools to further simplify your renewal process. With the Professional account, you can access a personalized
CE Transcript which outlines exactly what requirements you have left to complete. The Concierge account even includes your own CE Broker account manager who can guide you through the reporting process, step by step.
Other Benefits of Using CE Broker
- If you are ever selected for audit, you will automatically pass if you are current in CE Broker.
- Track and know precisely how many hours you’ve completed and how many hours are remaining;
- Available convenience features like a personalized transcript and a personal account manager;
- Bring CE compliance wherever you go with the CE Broker mobile app. Available on iPhone and Android.
How to activate your free CE Broker account
Activating your free Basic Account provided to you by your board is a simple 3-step process.
1 | Visit
2| Next, enter your license number
3| Then, start tracking your continuing education!
Failure to comply with continuing education requirements may result in disciplinary action against the licensee or registrant. The disciplinary action will be reported on the Department of Health license verification web site.
For rules and regulations pertaining to continuing education, please click here.