Chaperone Information

Chaperone Expectations

  • Must be at least 21 years of age or older on or before July 13, 2025.
  • Must fully participate in all activities of the TNSTRONG Youth Summit, including Breakout Sessions and the Chaperone Orientation.
  • One (1) Adult chaperone for every eight (8) - ten (10) youth (maximum).
  • Chaperones must match the sex of students:

o    If you have male students, you must have a male chaperone.

o    If you have female students, you must have a female chaperone.

o    Only a parent or guardian is allowed to stay in the same room as a youth

  • Chaperones are responsible for making sure all participants from his/her group (both youth and adults) have completed the online registration form by the registration deadline and submit their medical release form to their Regional or Metro Tobacco Coordinator.

Before the Summit, you will receive a reminder of Chaperone responsibilities

Suggestions to make the Summit enjoyable and safe for everyone:  

  • Obtain each youth’s cell phone number if they have one.
  • Make sure the youth have your cell phone number.
  • Use the buddy system.
  • Obtain your youths’ room numbers - NO switching of rooms.

Chaperones review these Guidelines with all participants in your group

  • Participants must have their nametag on at all times when they are in the conference and hotel spaces.
  • Full participation and attendance are mandatory at all scheduled events by all participants.
  • Be on time.
  • Turn off or mute your cell phone during session times. If you must take a call, step outside of the session room.
  • Participants are to respect other participants by keeping language clean, kind, and encouraging.
  • Violence of any kind (verbal or physical) is not acceptable. Any participant engaging in violence will be immediately removed from the event.
  • All participants must remain on the grounds of the TNSTRONG Youth Summit location.
  • Alcohol and other drugs are prohibited. Any participant under the influence or in possession of alcohol or other drugs will be immediately removed from the event. Charges will be filed against any individual with illegal substances. Participants are to refrain from the use of tobacco in any form (including e-cigarettes or vape devices).
  • Repair costs for damages incurred to the property will be billed to the group responsible for such damages.
  • All youth participants must be in their rooms by 10:00 PM.
  • Each participant will be given a rooming assignment, no changing rooms.
  • Female participants are only permitted to be in female assigned hotel rooms, and male participants are only allowed to be in male assigned hotel rooms.
  • The swimming pools are off limits.
  • Youth participants must be rising 8th grade up to a freshman in college (ages 13-19).

Dress Code

  • All participants must obey the dress code, no inappropriate attire will be permitted
  • View the Dress Code

Adult chaperones and Tennessee State and County staff are responsible for enforcing the rules as stated. These rules are not subject to interpretation, and each group is expected to follow them without exception. Our primary consideration is to provide a safe, secure environment for all of our participants.

If you need to contact your local Health Department, you can find their information here.

Last Updated: February 2025